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'Ok. I finally made it, that had to have been the most dreadful and exhausting 10 hours of my life.'

Y/n who had just made it to her new university apartment after a 10 hour drive from home set her stuff down inside of her new 'home'. Releasing a sigh, Y/n decided to walk around the place a bit before choosing her room and unpacking. It was obvious that her roommate had yet to arrive themselves, as when she checked both of the rooms they were both pretty much empty and void of any personal belongings.

"I hope my roommate is a girl.."


Y/n looked down at the baby carrier holding up her son Eli her woke grumpy from his nap.

'And I hope they don't mind the kid..'

Carefully and gently, she pick up Eli out of the carrier and made her way over to the living room where she had dropped off her suit cases.

"Ok Eli, you're going to shut up and take this bottle. I'm not going to breast feed you right now.."

Sitting down and shaking the bottle, Y/n brought the bottle to the babies lips who took it happily. Y/n let her head fall back, closing her eyes her lips spread into a small smile. She was so relived to close her eyes for even just a second, during the car ride to the university apartments she thought she would go deaf.

Eli still just couldn't stand car rides, and he made sure Y/n knew by voicing his feelings.

Through ear-splitting cries of course.

After bottle feeding the little boy, Y/n opened up her bag for Eli and gave him one of his toys after setting him down on the couch. It was a light up keyboard, Eli's favourite toy to play with, and the only one that really kept the awfully clingy child distracted when Y/n had to do something.

Y/n chose not to be lazy and unpack before taking a nap. Deciding a random room to be hers, Y/n first unpacked all of her clothes and started to hang up stuff in her closet, as well as fold up clothes neatly and fit them into the drawers of her dresser. She then moved on to all of Eli's stuff, starting off with his clothes.

Making her way to the kitchen, she first put both of his teething rings into the freezer, then put his baby foods and bottle into the fridge. Y/n decided not to take out Eli's toys, after all his bag with toys was in the living room, and Y/n didn't want to Eli to suddenly want to be picked up when being in his line of sight again.

A loud yawn escaped her lips.

"Oh god I am exhausted.."

It was already dark outside, the time being 3am.

Tomorrow was Y/n's first day of university, she had already called the day care for Eli and arranged for him to be dropped off before her morning class. Based off of her Monday schedule, she came to the conclusion of going grocery shopping after her classes. Since it was already so late, she assumed she wouldn't be meeting her roommate until tomorrow sometime in the afternoon or even very early in the morning.

And if it were the latter, she most certainly wouldn't be awake when they first came in. Tonight, she was planning on sleeping well and not getting up until she had too.

Putting up some movie and anime posters in her room, Y/n also placed on top of her dresser some framed family photos, as well as her jewelry box.

Pulling the last framed photo out of her suit cases, Y/n paused to take a good look at it.

She didn't even realize that she began to cry until she saw the drops of water on the picture. Her eyes widened in surprise, swiftly wiping her tears a sad smile made it's way onto Y/n's face.

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