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THE FUCK!!???'

Y/n stopped breathing when she felt Eli move.

Her whole body still.

'How the hell is Eli sleeping through this?'

Y/n continued to breathe when she realized Eli wasn't going to wake up.

But honestly it wouldn't make a difference if he did.

Her two hours ended up going up in the air.

'those beast were fucking for 2 FUCKING HOURS!!??'

Y/n punched her alarm clock, carefully laying Eli down on the bed to not wake him as she got up. It seemed just as 7 reached the noises had reached it's end. Opening her room door and shutting it behind her, Y/n was surprised to see the same pink haired girl from her first period class standing in her kitchen.


Placing both her hands onto her hips, Y/n thought about yelling at the woman. Shaking her head, she knew that even if her roommate was making a very bad first impression, she was going to make sure her first impression wasn't disrespectful.

And so, removing one hand from her waist Y/n cleared her throat. 

The woman closed the fridge, her head snapping in Y/n's direction. 

"Oh! Good morning! You scared me!" The woman smiled, walking towards Y/n and extending a hand towards her, "My name is Sakura, you must be Sasuke's roommate..!" She beamed.

"Sasuke..? Who? U-Um anyways my name is Y/n," Y/n smiled and put out her hand to shake Sakura's but just as she was about to retract it in realization, Sakura grabbed it and gave it a firm shake. 


Y/n's brow noticeably twitched as she gave Sakura a closed eye smile before ripping her hand out of her iron grip. Walking past her into the kitchen and starting to wash her hands Y/n looked over her shoulder to continue talking with the woman who stood in underwear confidently. 

"Sooo you're not my roommate?" Y/n questioned, opening the fridge she pulled out some things to make breakfast. Opening the brand new loaf of bread Y/n grabbed a 3 slices, as well as a frying pan.

"No Sasuke is, I think he's sleeping still.." Sakura said, suddenly she became hesitant and twisted a strand of her hair with her finger. Her cheeks turning a deep red as she averted eye contact, "He's my boyfriend.." 

Before Y/n could even open her mouth to respond a body emerged from a room. 

"for the hundredth time I am not your boyfriend Sakura." 

A shirtless man entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, shoving Y/n out of the way in the process. Y/n's brows furrowed at his rude behaviour, so this was her roommate?

Rolling her eyes Y/n went back to making her french toast acting like he wasn't even there. 

"Sasuke! This is Y/n your roommate!" Sakura walked over and stood between the two, placing a hand on the taller mans shoulder she forced him to turn away. 

'Sasuke' and Y/n made eye contact for the first time, and this time instead of putting up a fake smile Y/n stared at him with a bored straight face. The boy only mirrored Y/n's facial expression, yet his reflected slight annoyance. He began to shamelessly look Y/n up and down, his eyes pausing in a few areas which made Y/n start to feel very uncomfortable. 

He then slapped Sakura's hand away, 

"Get your hands off of me and go put on some pants you slut. Are you that desperate for attention?" 

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