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"AHHHHH--" Y/n slapped a hand over the mouth belonging to the screaming boy. 

Currently, it was 12am, Naruto and Y/n were up binging movies. While at the beginning it was Y/n who was screaming and clinging onto Naruto, now the roles were reversed. 

"Ssshhh!" Y/n reminded Naruto of the sleeping baby in her room who she desperately did not want to wake up. Seeing as the man slowly nodded his head with slightly wide eyes, Y/n pulled her hand away back to her side. 

Sitting on the large couch, the two were sharing a blanket, the now empty bowl of popcorn neglected on the ground. Y/n and Naruto were completely emerged in the film, both of them leaning closer to the tv during an intense scene. 

"Nonononono.." Naruto whispered, Y/n also shaking her head rapidly as they both watched the main character investigate her creepy basement where noise emitted from without a weapon

"If she dies. she deserves it. Natural selection." Y/n whispered to no one in particular. And seemingly right on cue, a man emerges from the shadows and brutally murders the main character. 

"EEK!" Naruto clings tightly onto Y/n's arm, the girl had flinched only a bit. 

End credits began to roll, marking the end of the movie.

"That movie sucked Naruto, now's my pick." Y/n said with a smirk as she grabbed the controller, Naruto releasing the grip he had on her to cross his arms.

"I think I picked a good one!" He argued, Y/n only rolling her eyes.

Tonight, the two decided that they would each pick a movie from each genre. The first genre was horror, Naruto had the first pick of a movie and now it was Y/n's turn. While she put on final destination 3, Naruto went back into the kitchen to grab another bag of popcorn and emptying it out into the bowl for them to share. 

About 20 minutes into the movie, both Y/n and Naruto jaws dropped to the ground as they watched people die in various disturbing ways during a rollercoaster accident. 

Y/n gagged slightly, "remind me to never go on rollercoasters again.." She mumbled as she turned her head away from the screen for a second. 

Now the two sat in silence as they took in the rest of the movie, cringing multiple times at the many avoidable deaths.Finishing the movie, they now moved on to their next movie genre-- drama. 

"Okay Naruto you put on the movie I have to check up on Eli.." Y/n whispered as she got up and made her way to her room. Opening the door slowly to peak inside, she saw that Eli was still fast asleep and perfectly fine. 

A sigh of relief pushed past her lips as she walked back into the living room. 

"What movie is this?" She asked Naruto as she tugged the blanket so it covered her more. 

"The green mile, I heard it's really good." Y/n hummed in response, nodding her head.

"Is it sad?" She asked another question, turning her head away from the tv to look up to Naruto. He mirrored her actions and locked eyes with Y/n, he raised a brow as he scratched his chin.

"I'm not sure, a friend recommending I watch it. I don't think it is though.." 

Oh how wrong Naruto was. 

They were both practically bawling their eyes out, holding onto each other they both pleaded for John's execution to be stopped somehow. 

"Don't put that thing on me boss, I'm afraid of the dark.." 

John's voice boomed from the tv, his words so impactful on the two that their grip on each other tightened. As soon as his execution started Y/n shoved her tear stained face into Naruto's chest not wanting to look. 

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