4. The beach

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Word count: 964

You guys were all done so you got everything in the car are tom got in the drivers seat and you got in the passengers seat. When you guys got there you were greeted my Z, Haz and Jacob.

"Hey guys im glad you came!" Z said

"Are you gonna get in?" Z asked you

"Hell yea!" You said, you always liked to swim and you weren't like those girls that just went to the beach to sit in the shade. You actually got in. You had your swimsuit under your dress

 You had your swimsuit under your dress

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Anyway, you got everything out of the car, you guys brought a cooler with beer, snacks and food, you brought a little grill, carne asada and tortillas to make tacos and you brought chairs too for when you guys got out, you brought your tablet if y...

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Anyway, you got everything out of the car, you guys brought a cooler with beer, snacks and food, you brought a little grill, carne asada and tortillas to make tacos and you brought chairs too for when you guys got out, you brought your tablet if you got bored you could work on your projects, and you brought your backpacks with 3 towels just in case, and an extra pair of clothes for both of you.

"You guys wanna get in?" Z asked everyone

"Yess" you said
"Lets get into ittt" said jacob
"Yep" said haz
And tom just nodded

You took off your dress to reveal your swim suit and went over to the water with Z, you got in not really caring if it was cold and Z waited in the edge

"Get in!" You said to her

"Its cold" Z answered

"omg just..." you got out and pulled her in

"Y/N NO STOPPP!!!!" She screamed and you laughed

"You're evil." She said finally getting in.

"hehehe" you giggled you guys stayed in the water alittle then z said

"Tom's lookin' a youu." With a smirk

"What?" You said looking over at tom, and he was looking at you with a smile on his face and you smiled too

"Go get him and bring the volleyball!" Z said and pushed you towards him, so you got out of the water and jogged to him. When you got to were he was he grabbed your arm and pulled you in for a hug

"Miss me too much?" He asked with a smirk

"maybe... you wanna play volleyball? Me and z are gonna play." You asked tom while pulling away from the hug

"Yea sure." He said while hugging you from behind again

"You guys wanna come too?" You asked haz and jacob

"Yea we'll be right there." Haz said

Then you, tom, haz and Jacob went in and started played volleyball in the water. You were really good at volleyball but you never really played with any of them so they didn't know. Then you guys got out of the water and they started playing in the sand. But you were tired so you sat down.

(Btw these are the teams
Team 1 - Tom and Haz
Team 2 - Z and Jacob.)

"Y/n!" Haz said coming up to you

"Yea?" You said

"You wanna play?" He asked

"I'm kinda tired" you said

"Oh come on" he said and pulled your arm

"Ok fine." you said putting everything aside and walking twards them and jacob sat down so you could take his place.

"Are you a righty or a lefty? Or do you even know? Umm ok which hand do you write with?" Z said trying to teach you how to serve

"Z, back off." You said smirking, then you threw the ball up and spiked it and got a point for your team. And you kept on getting a bunch of points for your team and they kept on saying stuff like "what the fu-" and "she didn't" or "that's not fairrrrr" they they got tired of losing and sat down to eat.

"Y/n, were did you learn to play volleyball like that?" Asked tom while eating a taco

"Well maybe i played a little in high school, and maybe a little in college too, and maybe i went to volleyball camp most summers..." you said while cooking the carne asada.

While everyone was eating you sat down on the blanket that was on the floor and put on one of your AirPods and quietly said

"hey Jarvis?" You asked the AI

"Yes Ms. Y/l" Jarvis responded in your ear.

"Can you pull up the images of my multiverse devise on my tablet please?" You asked Jarvis

"Right away Ms. Y/l." He said and the images appeared on your tablet screen. You looked them over for a little. Then tom came up to you and laid his head in your lap

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" He asked innocently

"Oh nothing just looking at work stuff." You answered then tom sat up and looked at you and you lifted your head to look back at him

"Nooo can you put that away and cuddle with me?" He asked with puppy eyes

"Okeee." You said said and put away everything away the he sat below you and wrapped his arms around you and laid your head on his chest. Like thisss ⬇️

"omg you guys are so cute

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"omg you guys are so cute." Z said and you giggled a little.

The hours went by and it was now 6:47pm and you were all ready to go back home, everyone was leaving so you guys left too. Back at home you took a shower first and then tom and you guys went to bed.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Asked tom

"Sure, can we watch ironman please?" You asked

"Marvel marathon?" He asked smiling at you.

"Yes!" You said and he put on ironman, the ironman 2 then captain america: F.A. But by the middle of the movie you were already asleep on toms chest so he quietly turned the tv off and cuddled with you and fell asleep too.


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