6. On set.

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Word count: 1244

You fell asleep at about 2am yesterday because you were working on your project, then today you woke up at 6:30am and looked over to see Tom, he was still Asleep, you usually wake up around 6:15 so you thought you were late but you got ready quickly But you woke up tom

"Good morning baby." He said sheepishly

"Oh im sorry i didn't mean to wake you up" You said in a whisper

"Its ok I like seeing you when i wake up" He said with a smile and got out of bed "do you want breakfast?" He asked you

"No thank you, I'm already late" You said while getting ready quickly. Then tom came over to you and hugged you

"I love you." He said and kissed you

"I love you too but i really have to go." You said with a sorry face And he pouted

"I know baby I'm sorry I'll be back at 4:00." You said tying to cheer him up.

"But i get back at like 5:00..." He said sad

"Then... i dont know... maybe, i'll come see you on set...?" You said and his face light up

"Really?" He asked with a smile.

"Maybe... ok but i really have to go now, Jarvis what time is it?" You asked Jarvis because your phone was already in your bag

"It is 6:45am" he said

"Ok bye i love you" you said to tom

"I love you too."He Said and you went to work but this time you didn't eat anything.

You got to work and went into your lab and took out your project you looked it over for a bit and it was ready.

Toms pov.

After y/n left you asked Jarvis to wake you up at 7:00am and you went back to sleep.

Then you woke up to Jarvis saying

"It is 7:00am, Mr. Holland." He said and you woke up.

"Oh thank you." You answered and got ready and went to work.

-time skip to after work- -y/n's pov-

Your day had just ended and you left and went to toms set. Since in the morning you knew you were going to go to toms set you took the bus. So you got there and went inside. You saw some of your friends and said hi to them then you saw tom doing a scene in the movie where he shot a web to the helecopter and swung into the little window in the washington monument
. He did that. Then when the scene was over, it was the last scene of the day. Then tom came over to you

"Hey you actually came!" He said with a smile then hugged you.

"Well yea, so how was your day?" You asked

"I mean it was fine but i was really exited to see you, heheheh my girlfriend is here!!" He said all giggly and shit, like a CHILD.

"omg tom what are you doing" you said laughing

"What? Cant i be proud of my girlfriend?" He asked then Robert passed by and tom said
"This is my girlfriend." Smiling

"Oh you must be the famous Y/n i'm always hearing about!" Robert said and you got very nervous because *iTs RoBeRt DoWnEy Jr.*

"Hi yea, thats me" you said really nervous and tom was just standing there with a shit-eating grin on his face, looking back and forth between you and robert while you guys talked. It was kinda awkward. Then robert said he had to go and he left to his trailer so you and tom left to go home.

"Why would you do thatttttttt?" You said in the passengers seat and put your face in your hands "it was so awkward!" You said blushing really hard.

"Yes it was." Tom said laughing his ass off.

"No its not funny, we were just standing there for like 20 seconds omg kill me please." You said

"No i would never." He said getting into the drivers seat. "Then who would I embarrass?" He said with an innocent smile.

Then you guys went back to your house (btw you guys lived together for like a year now, since you guys were best friends so lemme fix this timeline. You guys met 6 years ago. Became best friends a year later (5 years ago.) Then 4 years later (1 year ago) you moved in together then started dating 3 months later (9 months ago.) anyway you guys were in the car.

"So how was your day, sorry i was going to ask you sooner but i got distracted hehehe" he said

"It was good i finally finished my project!" You said very exited

"What is this project about?" He asked interested

"Well i figured out a way to make a devise that can transport the person who's using it to any universe in any timeline." You said

"I'm sorry you're saying there's a multi-verse because I thought that was just theoretical." He said hehehe

"I mean it was, but i figured out a way to travel between universes and timelines and with this machine i can." You said

"Wait are you going to go somewhere? where would you go? How would that work?" He asked

"I mean i would really like to try, if theres a multiverses that means that theres an infinite amount of realities, one slightly different that the next one, can you imagine a world where the nazis won ww2 or a world were you and i never meet-"

"Or a world were the MCU is real..." he says thinking deeply

"It's possible, you never know" you said then you guys got home and got out of the car you were about to open the door but tom grabed your wrist and pulled you into a hug

"I'm really glad i met you." He said with a smile and you smiled too

"Me too." You said and gave him a quick kiss and opened the door. You went inside, put your stuff away and went to the kitchen to make lunch for both of you and tom.

"What are you making?" He asked

"Im gonna make lemon and garlic, shrimp spaghetti. My dad used to make it for us and i really liked it." You answered

"wot is dat?" He said

"Its in the name." You laughed

"To be honest that sounds kinda weird." He said With a scared face

"Well i'll make some and if you don't like it then ill make you a sandwich or something." You said

"Oh, ok. Do you need help?" He asked walking a little closer to you.

"Not really you can sit down if you want it'll be ready in like half an hour."

"But i wanna help." He said.

"Umm ok then make the spaghetti, you know how to make spaghetti right?" You asked

"Uhh yea." He said and made the spaghetti.

-Time skip-

You guys made the food and once you were done you served it and put on a movie and tom tasted it.

"omg thats really good." He said with a mouthful of spaghetti

"Good now i don't have to make you a sandwich." You said and smiled

Once you guys were done eating and washed your plates you sat on the couch you finished the movie then put on the office. And then you guys fell asleep cuddling.


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