7. Earth Dimension 616.

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Word count: 906

You woke up at 7:20 that day and you thought about what it would be like to go to earth dimension 616. You were a huge marvel fan and had read all the comics when you were younger so you knew what happened and the fact that you could actually go to a place were its all real and not just a movie was a lot to take in.

You could warn them about Quinten Beck or Hela or Dormammu then you laughed a little but then started thinking about how in your world those things are just stories and movies but in their world its all real.

Then you imagined what it would be like if you were walking down the street and an alien donut came out of no where then squidward and a big boi came out of it saying a grape with a nutsack chin was your savior. Umm no ma'am.

But then you thought about Tony Stark and how he's never going to see his daughter again. Or Natasha and how she finally had a family and she's never going to be with them again. And you really started tearing up but then tom woke up.

"Whats wrong?" He asked when he saw you. And he hugged you.

"What oh nothing" you said and acted like nothing was wrong because it was just your thoughts.

"No tell me." He said and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Its really nothing why did you get so worried anyway?" You asked

"Because your tearing up." He said

"No i'm not." You said with a smile and wiped your eyes quickly.

"Are you sure your ok?" He asked

"Yes tom. Thank you for worrying about me but im fine." You said

"Ok then what were you doing up?" He said while you both laid back down on the couch.

"Nothing just thinking." You said while snuggling up in his chest.

"About what?" He asked quietly and closed his eyes.

"About what you said in the car." You whispered

"What did i say?" He asked softly

"About the mcu, like what if i could find earth dimension 616 and actually go there?" You said and he looked up at you

"Would you go?" He asked looking into your eyes.

"I mean i would want to." You said and looked at him.

"Thats would be so cool. Imagine meeting Peter Parker. Or meeting the real Tony Stark."
He said

"Right! i wonder what m.j. Or ned are like, i mean obviously in the movies you can tell a little but i mean wouldn't it be cool to experience a school day with them." You said

"Yea that would be interesting." He said and you both went back to sleep.

Then you woke up the next day and got ready then you went into your lab

"Good morning Ms. Y/l, it is 6:45 in the morning, and currently 73° in New York City." Jarvis said

"Thank you, Jarvis" you said and went back into your bedroom and went up to tom

"I love you." You whispered and kissed his cheek, you were about to leave but he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down and kissed you

"I love you too." He said with a smile.

-Time skip-

When you got to work you immediately took out your devise but you started working on something else that could upgrade it, then kelly knocked on your door

"Goid mornjng Ms. y/l" she said with a smile

"Good morning Kelly, how are you?" You asked with a smile

"Im good, how have you been?" She asked

"I've been alright." You answered

"Oh ok well i came to ask you... oh well i forgot." She said

"Ok well i'm going to be right here." You said while focusing on a circuit board and connecting it to another one

Then while you where doing that, you didn't notice but Kelly was looking around the room and looking at all the gadgets you created and then she saw the multiverse devise

"Whats this?" she said pointing at the project and then this girl really pressed the button. SHE PRESSED IT. so lemme explain this devise real quick

So the devise is small, its like a phone. It has these pair of glasses that are made for it, they only work for that and they are not like normal glasses, well they look normal on the outside but from where your looking at it they are like edith. But when you take them off it instantly turned the glasses off and if someone else puts then on, the screen doesn't turn on so they only work for you, unless you give someone else access. if you're waring the glasses and press the button (btw the button is like the power button on an iPhone.) its gonna transport you to whatever world you're thinking about. But when you got transported you could go back to your original universe through the glasses. And you were planning on making the devise be able to communicate with people from your original universe thats why it was never finished. So if you're waring the glasses and thinking about a world where the MCU is real its gonna take you there.  anD THATS WHAT YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT WHEN KELLY PRESSED IT. you instantly transported to earth dimension 616.

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