8. Peter Parker.

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Word count: 1223

Y/n's pov

You felt sick. You felt like you wanted to faint and suddenly there was a big flash and you couldn't see anything then your eyes adjusted and you looked around but you didn't recognize were you were. Then you realized it was New York but just a moment ago you were in the lab then you bumped into someone. 

"Oh i'm so sorry." A man said and you turned to see who it was. It was Tom.

"Umm its fine." You asked when you were standing and looked at him closely

"Are you ok?" He asked quietly

"Yes, um whats your name?" You asked nervous

"Umm...Peter..." he said while getting a little flustered

Once he said Peter your eyes immediately widened

"peter? Like peter parker?" You asked looking at him and then you poked his cheek and he blushed a little

"How do you know my name." He asked

"I'll explain everything later but right now you have to help me." You said and he looked so confused. 

"Help you? What am i supposed to help you in?" He asked

"I really cant explain right now. But were are you coming from?" You asked

"I don't think i can tell you-" he said eyeing you suspiciously.

"Peter just tell me." You said

"Um well school just ended and i'm going home, who are you again?" He asked

"Right um my name is Y/n Y/l/n, and right now i need to go home with you, i know that sounds weird but it'll all make scene when i explain." You said

"What, umm alight." He said quietly and started walking and you follower him. You guys got to his house and luckily May wasn't home.
You looked around and saw his gadgets and he sat down on his bed. You took a stick that was next to his desk and pushed one end up to the ceiling and his suit fell out but he quickly got up, grabbed it and stuffed it in his closet and you giggled a bit because it was just like in the movie.

"Um thats... not...anything...." he said nervously

"Its ok i know your Spiderman." You said and he looked at you

"Whhat? Who.. thats... him, not me." He said while looking at you confused

"Look peter I'm not here to reveal your secret, i really do need your help, you see I'm not from this earth, but I'm not an alien. There are multiple realities, this is earth dimension 616 i'm from earth 248."

"I'm sorry are you saying there's a multi-verse because I thought that was just theoretical I mean that completely changes how we understand the initial similarity we're talking about an internal inflation system how does that even work with all the quantum  I mean that's insane.... sorry it's really cool" he said really exited. And you sadly smiled remembering Tom, you missed him.

"Its ok it really is interesting, anyway, i found out a way to make a devise that could transport me trough universes and timelines. And i got transported here by accident." You said

"So do you live in Ny?" He asked

"Yea i was born and raised in Queens." You said smiling.

"Me too." He said and smiled at you

"I know." You said back

"Wait ok so if were from different universes then how do you know so much about me? Because when we first met you already knew who i was." He asked and you blushed

"Will you see in my universe you aren't real but umm... How do I explain this, you're from a comic." You say and his eyes go wide.

"A comic?" He asked confused

"Yea they make a whole comic series about you and the other Avengers. And when i was little i was obsessed with them and i read all of them so i kinda know everything about this universe." You said a little embarrassed.

"So I'm not real?" He asked looking at his shoes And you could see he was sad. "Then whats the point of doing anything if i'm just gonna die one day and no one is gonna remember me?" He asked.

"No... but even though you may just be a comic in my earth you still inspire so many people, you make people want to be better. Your name is a signal of hope in my earth. And yea you might not be real in my earth but you are real in this one, and people need you. You don't realize how much of a difference you make but your name and the things you have done are known across worlds and universes. And i think thats something worth fighting for." You said and he looked up at you and smiled. And you sat next to him.

"You know, in my world, they've made all these different movies about you and your life. And the actor that plays Peter Parker, his name is Tom Holland and he looks just like you. Like you guys are twins. And he's my boyfriend." You said and he looked up with a smile.

"Ouuuuuuh your boyfriend?" He teased.

"You really are 15." You said laughing

"So what do you need my help in?" He asked

"Oh right so you see my glasses?" You asked

"Yea what about them?" He asked

"Well there not normal glasses look put them on." But before handing them to him, you said "hey jarvis?"

"Yes Ms. Y/n?" Jarvis answered

"Please give Peter Parker full access as long as he wares the glasses." You said to Jarvis

"Im going to need confirmation for that." He said

"Confirm." You said and handed them to peter . He put them on and then the screen turned on and a bunch of data went in the edges of the lenses and his eyes widened

"Whoaaaaaa thats so cool." He said while looking at the glasses

"Thanks." You said

"Um well i need a devise that connects to this for now to send me back to my earth but that stayed over there." You said.

"Then why did you start traveling?" He asked

"It was an accident, i didn't mean to get transported here, i was waring the glasses and my co-worker pressed it but it wasn't finished." You said and put your face in your hands out of frustration.

"Hey its going to be ok, oh i think i know someone who can help you." He said and took out his phone and made a call.

"Hey tony" he said and you instantly lifted your head and looked at him. He looked at you with wide eyes

"Can we please come to the tower i need your help with something." He asked

"It that stark?" You whispered pointing at the phone and he nodded

"3:15, yea we can get there." He said into the phone

"Ok thank you, bye Mr. Stark." Peter said to Tony

"He said we can go to the tower at 3:15, is that ok?" Peter asked you

"Um yea." You said.

"Hey jarvis? What time is it?" You asked

"It is 3:05 Ms. y/n." Jarvis responded


Again ik i already said this but if you guys have request, send them to me. Thank youu.

Multiverse Tom Holland/Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now