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AS EXPECTED, THERE was a big crowd gathered to watch the race. Most of them I recognized from Diamond Lake High. Normally, seeing so many people supporting me would have pumped me up, but I wasn't in the mood for racing. I was still in pain and reeling from my old man's right hook. He'd gotten a couple punches in before the housekeeper had rushed into the kitchen to see what was happening. If she hadn't walked in when she had, I don't know what would have happened. I'd been two seconds away from losing my shit and finally fighting back. I'd been taught all my life to respect my elders. Not anymore. Not when it came to him. He didn't deserve it.

After June had entered the kitchen, my dad miraculously became the calm, cool asshole he normally was. I ended up giving him my keys and he took off to the gym. Fortunately, I had another set and blew off his orders. Instead of staying home, I took a shower, packed a duffel bag, and took off. Not only was I leaving, but never coming back.

Fuck him and his psychotic shit.

I was eighteen now. I didn't need his permission for anything. I had a job and some money saved. I'd find a place to stay and figure out what I was going to do about school. Part of me wanted to drop out and get my G.E.D. Fuck the college plans. His college plans. I could go to school for auto-mechanics and continue working at the shop. It was something I was definitely going to consider.

I pulled my Mustang up next to Gus's (AKA Scott Jackson) souped-up 1970 Chevelle S.S. I had to admit, his car was pretty sweet but the guy was a condescending prick. He was his own biggest fan and constantly bragging about the races he won in Lancaster. If it had been anyone but him, I'd have rescheduled the race. But, I'd been dying to beat the fucker and wasn't going to let a few bruises stand in the way. I noticed Gus wasn't in the vehicle but there were two guys from Lancaster keeping a close eye on it. There wasn't a lot of trust between our schools. In fact, there was nothing but bad blood. The kind that had started when our parents had been in school. It wasn't just rivalry, either. I once heard that it had something to do with a factory being closed down in Lancaster. Hundreds of people had lost their jobs and it was believed that a wealthy family from Diamond Lake had something to do with it.

I turned off the engine and slowly got out of my car, trying to ignore the pain in my ribs where my old man had slugged me. I didn't think anything was broken but they sure hurt like hell.

"Whoa. Dude, what happened to you?" Sonny asked, walking up to me and staring at my black eye.

I shrugged. "Got into a fight."

"With who?" Sonny asked as Tyler, Bruce, and Mitch joined us.

"Just some douchebag. I really don't want to talk about it. Hey, guys, what's up?"

"Not much. You okay to drive?" Mitch asked. "Your eye looks pretty swollen."

"You kidding me? I'm fine," I replied.

"You should ice it," Sonny said, frowning.

He was probably right, but the race was about to begin. "No time. I'll be okay."

Bruce stared at me with concern. "What the fuck happened?"

"Like I told Sonny. Just a fight. Nothing I feel like talking about."

"Just answer me this; did you beat the other guy's ass?" he asked. "Or do we need to go and find the fucker and lay down the hammer?"

I forced a smile to my face. "He's a hurtin' unit right now. You know I would never let anyone get the best of me."

Fortunately, they accepted the lie without doubt. I'd been in fights before. Some were not my fault. Some were. I usually walked away the winner and they knew it.

The Burn - High School Bully RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now