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I WAS ALREADY packed and ready to go before I received Rae's message about my approved application. Because I wasn't bringing much with me, I was able to get most of the important stuff into my car. As I was shutting the trunk, I heard a car pull up behind me in the driveway. Thinking it was my old man, I mentally prepared for a lecture. When I turned around, however, I found Mattie getting out of Jennifer Bailey's BMW. Before I could say anything, Jennifer backed out of the driveway, leaving me alone with Mattie. She rushed over and gave me hug. I was engulfed by her familiar perfume and, for the first time, it seemed almost overwhelming.

"Where were you today? I missed you!"

I pushed her away gently. "I had some things to take care of. Why did Jennifer drop you off?"

"Because I wanted to see you." She gave me a pouty look. "Don't you want to see me?"

I stared at her in disbelief. "Mattie, you can't just drop by whenever you want. I told you yesterday that I had a lot of stuff going on today."

"You weren't at school. I thought maybe your plans had changed."

"Only slightly. I'm still really busy."

She rolled her eyes. "You're always busy."

"Yeah, well, that's just the way it is. Anyway, I thought we agreed on putting some space between us." I was getting tired of having the same conversation over and over.

"Does that mean we can't be friends?" she asked, getting angry. "I mean, you're acting like you don't even want to see me anymore."

"That's not it. I just have a lot of shit going on right now."

"You're not the only one. I've had a bad day, too." She burst into tears.


I pulled her to me and patted her gently on the back. "Please don't cry."

Mattie continued sobbing, and when the tears finally subsided, I asked her what had happened.

"It's that new girl. She's spreading rumors about me and threatening to hurt me." She sniffled and reached into her purse for some tissue. "I mean, how immature is that?"

"You're, like, twice her size," I replied, a little shocked that she was so upset about Mackenzie threatening her physically. "What are you worried about?"

Mattie's eyes narrowed. "Are you calling me fat?"

I groaned. "No. Of course not. You're much taller than she is. That's all I'm saying." I changed the subject. "So, what kind of rumors is she spreading?"

She dabbed at her eyes with the tissue. "She's telling everyone that I slept with that guy from Lancaster, Gus."

"You sure she's the one spreading the rumors?"

"Yes. People overheard her talking about it. She's also been saying that I've slept with the entire football team. It's going around school and everyone is looking at me like it's true. Like I'm this big slut."

"Just ignore it."

"I can't. You don't know what it's like to have everyone staring at you. Whispering things. Judging you."

"It's part of being popular. Anyway, just ignore it," I reiterated, starting to lose my patience.

"This is different, though. People actually believe her."

"Fuck Mackenzie. If they believe her then fuck them too."

She rested her cheek against my chest. "You know, I wasn't going to tell you, but I heard she's been talking about you, too."

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? What is she saying?"

"She's been talking trash about your car and saying you have a small dick." She reached down to my crotch and her fingers fluttered over my zipper. "Of course." She giggled. "I know better."

I batted her hand away. "Mattie, don't."

She sighed in irritation and looked up at me. "You're no fun anymore."

My phone buzzed. I released her and checked my messages. It was Gus telling me that he'd asked Mackenzie out and she'd accepted.

I grunted.

Mattie moved closer, trying to see my screen. "Who's that?"

I put my phone away. "Nobody."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "So, are you just going to let this girl talk trash about us?"

"What do you want me to do?" I had enough my own problems to worry about. The kind that went way beyond high school drama.

"Everyone at school looks up to you. They respect you."

I shrugged. "I don't know about that."

"Of course they do. You need to put her in her place while everyone is watching."

I laughed at that. "Put her in her place?"

"Yes, Chase. Someone needs to make her understand that she can't come into our school and act the way she does."

"Why don't you do it?"

"Oh, I've tried. Believe me."

I thought it was odd how Mattie wanted me to take care of this. She usually prided herself on being a royal bitch when needed. I stared at her curiously, wondering what was different this time.


I sighed and shook my head. "Nothing. Look, I've got some shit to take care of. We'll talk about this tomorrow at school. Can I drop you off somewhere?"

"Yeah. You can drive me home."

I pulled out my car keys. "Let's get going."

The Burn - High School Bully RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now