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IT FELT LIKE all eyes were on me again when I entered the lunchroom.

"I can't wait for the day when I become uninteresting in this school," I murmured, sitting down next to Sara after grabbing a tray of food.

She smiled. "Give it another week. Someone else will piss off Mattie and she'll have a new target."

I let out a weary sigh. "It's just so sad how she has such an influence on everyone. I mean, are we the only ones who see what a complete bitch she is?"

"No. Everyone is just afraid to go against her. Even some of the A-squaders," Sara replied. "By the way, what did you say to her in first hour? You left her with her mouth open. It was hilarious."

The look on her face had been epic. I smiled, remembering it. "I confronted her about the damage to Chase's car. I know she's involved."

Sara laughed. "Oh, that's why she looked sick to her stomach."

Maya sat down. "Who looked sick to their stomach?"

"Mattie," Sara and I said in unison.

Maya's eyes widened. "Why, what's going on?"

I told her.

"Seriously? I thought I heard something about that today, but just ignored it. You really think Mattie was involved?" Maya asked.

I nodded. "Oh, hell yeah. I'm going to prove it, too."

"I hope you do. Could you imagine her dad's reaction?" Sara replied. "His 'Baby Girl' causing property damage? He'll have a conniption."

I snorted. "Baby Girl."

"That's what he calls her." Sara lowered her voice to mimic his. "Hey, Baby Girl. You need another pair of Gucci slides? No problem. Anything for you, Princess. Oh, you need a new purse, too? How about another Louis Vuitton? Let's get you one in every color." She snorted. "Between her mom and dad, I don't know who's done the most damage by spoiling her. She gets everything she wants."

Maya unwrapped her sandwich. "You know, if she gets busted then she'll be looking for a new place to sit at lunch. Popular, or not, none of the A-squaders would side with her for damaging his car. They all love Chase."

I glanced over at their table just as she was sitting down. "I hope Mattie likes eating alone because when I'm done with her, she won't have any friends left."

Maya raised her hand in the air. "You go, girl."

Smiling, I high-fived her.

WHEN THE LAST bell of the day rang, I headed over to my locker and ran into Chase. He pulled me aside, which drew the attention of many others in the hallway. Some did double-takes and others began to whisper right away. I had to refrain from yelling, "Take a damn picture, assholes!"

"I talked to Bruce," Chase murmured, oblivious to the stares. "He's going to check the video later and let me know who keyed my car."

I chewed on my lower lip. "I don't trust him. He'll probably still accuse me of doing it even when he finds out that it was someone else."

His eyebrows knitted together. "Why would he do that?"

"He already has it out for me. I told you how he threatened me the other day. He claimed that I was spreading rumors about Mattie. Which, I wasn't," I said angrily. "Hell, at this point I think she's spreading rumors about me spreading rumors."

He stared at me hard for a second and then chuckled.

I frowned. "Why is that funny?"

"Because you're probably right." Chase's face grew serious. "Okay. I'll tell Bruce that I want to see the video for myself."

I relaxed. "I want to be there, too."

He nodded. "I'm sure that can be arranged."

"I have to work tonight, though," I added.

"What time?"

I told him.

"How about afterward? What time are you working until?"

"I don't know exactly. It's my first day." Now I felt stupid for not asking.

"Where are you working?"


"Oh, okay. Why don't you text me when you find out?"

"Okay. I will. What's your number?" I pulled my phone out and he gave it to me.

"Are you still going to that dance on Saturday?" he asked, out of the blue.

"Yeah, why?"

He shrugged and looked away. "Just wondering."

Sonny appeared next to us. "Ready?" he asked, ignoring me.

"Yeah, let's go." He looked at me again. "Don't forget to text me. I'll even pick you up from the diner if you need a ride."

That solved another one of my problems. "Okay. Thanks."

"No problem."

He and Sonny took off down the hallway and I went to my locker. As I was unlocking it, I could feel Mattie's eyes burning into me. I glanced toward her locker and found I'd been right.

Ignoring her, I grabbed what I needed and headed out to the parking lot to find Kara. I found her waiting for me at her car.

"Thanks for waiting. I'm sorry it took so long," I said, getting into the passenger seat.

"It's fine." She smiled. "I saw you talking to Chase. What did he say?"

I told her.

"So, he's picking you up from work?"


"I wish I could join you guys. Let me know what you find on the video."

"Don't worry. You'll be the first person I text."

The Burn - High School Bully RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now