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I WOKE UP the next morning with sore leg muscles and ankle blisters from the new roller-skates. I didn't let it bother me, though. I was too excited about the party and seeing Chase again. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him and had fallen asleep with a smile on my face. It even made dealing with Mattzilla less daunting.

As it turned out, she did a complete one-eighty, which made me very uneasy. It happened the moment I made it to my locker. Not only was she actually civil, but she apologized for being such a bitch the last few days.

"I took it all out on you... because... I'd been so angry with Chase." She looked around the hallway and then lowered her voice as people walked by. "He broke up with me the week before and I thought maybe it was because you two had hooked up."

"I didn't even know Chase until this week," I replied, wondering if she'd finally come to her senses or if this was all an act. "And, for the record, we're just friends."

Mattie swung her blonde hair over her shoulder and sniffed. "Honestly, I don't care either way. I've realized that he's a player and that I shouldn't blame anyone for his actions but Chase. Anyway, I just want you to know I'm sorry for being so horrible. You didn't deserve the way I treated you, and if you don't wanna forgive me, I totally get it. I know I probably wouldn't."

As sincere as she looked, I still didn't quite trust her. But, I accepted her apology. I was tired of the drama and just wanted her to leave me alone. "It's fine. I get it."

She looked relieved. "Thank you. Anyway, a word of advice—if you do start going out with him, be careful. Bruce told me that the asshole was cheating on me the entire time we were together."

"We're just friends," I repeated. "But, thanks for the warning."

"No problem." She turned and leaned back against the locker next to mine. "There's a party tonight. I don't know if you heard, but everyone's showing up. I'm trying to decide if I want to even go. I don't want to see him there. I'll probably get drunk and tell him off or something."

More like "definitely."

She stared at me as if waiting for some kind of a reaction. When I didn't respond, she continued. "Do you know if he's planning on being there?"

"I have no idea."

She bit her lower lip. "Darn. Well, if you hear he's going, could you maybe let me know? I don't want to run into him so I'll just find something else to do."

I nodded. "Yeah. Sure."

"Thanks. I'll give you my number. You can text me or whatever."


We exchanged phone numbers and then I watched her take off down the hallway, still very much apprehensive at the turn of events. My gut told me not to trust anything she said or did. For all I knew, she was setting me up to fall.

"Okay, what in the hell was that about?" Kara asked, coming up behind me.

I told her.

Kara snorted. "Wow, maybe she's discovered Midol?"

I chuckled. "I don't know. It was really weird."

"Just be careful. She might be planning on destroying you from a different angle."

"Yeah. I've been thinking the same thing."

"So, you're still going to the party tonight?"

I nodded. "I might be getting a new truck tonight, too. Not new, new. Used. You know what I mean."

The Burn - High School Bully RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now