4. Lend Your Shoulder

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Dedication to @rithiktalwar for being such a great supporter and friend. Cover on the side by @_loststar ... yeah her cover was also featured on '2. Another Story,' and her covers just keep getting bloody brilliant!

This poem is about people who are alone at all times and all they want is someone to care.


Lend your shoulder,
For her to cry.
Wipe her tears,
Till her cheeks dry.

Give her a hand,
To stand up tall.
Else she'll land,
With a mighty fall. 

You think you know well,
Cause, she seems so strong.
But then I must tell,
That you've got it wrong.

Because embedded inside,
Are the broken shards,
Of the gone-by memories
And the gone-by blizzards.

Kisses of mayhem,
Have touched her lips.
And the snides by'em,
Have chastened her in deep.

Bandage her wrists,
Who are weeping red.
Pull her through mists,
Thru which she can't see.

Show her the light,
Which awaits the hope.
Shinning so bright,
In the world of dope.

She writhes with rage,
On the shores of sombre-ity.
Under judge-mental gaze,
Where life know no clarity.

Then you can be the one,
To give her life.
An angel which shone,
And made her smile.

So lend your shoulder,
For her to cry.
'cause that's all she'll ever
want, for herself so grime.


Hope you liked it!

I know I don't publish my poems often. But that is merely because I need inspiration to write, and this inspiration doesn't come so quickly. Did you know that the inspiration to write my story 'SEEKING SERENITY,' came to me when I was talking to myself in the bathroom.

Feels so good to be done. I mean seriously people that exhilarating feeling you get when you get things done is nice.

I did make one of my close friend read this poem and he was like "What in this world made you write a poem like this?" and I was like "I don't remember." And he was like "Don't stall the question." I really like it when he gets adamant about stuff, it makes me feel he actually cares. 

But seriously, I have tried to recall the reason for what inspired me to write this, five times. And all my brain says is 'ERROR 404: MEMORY NOT FOUND.' 

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