*~*Chapter Six*~*

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A/N: OK REAL QUICK, this was meant to be two chapters but I am going to be busy all next week so I mashed them together to upload them as one. So we will be skipping a week sorry guys, but I just wanted to give that quick heads up. That's also why there's kind of like.. an ending in the middle of the chapter.. It works ok trust me, anyways hope you enjoy!

Luz smiled, waving goodbye one final time as Amity twisted down the path out of sight. A soft sigh escaped her as she shut the door for the last time, she missed her friends already and they had only just left that morning. Leaning against the door for a moment letting her eyes lull shut as she sucked in a deep calming breath. Cracking open an eye she found Eda and King staring at her from the couch, matching grins crossing their features. Luz quirked a brow at the pair.
"What?" Luz growled softly, snorts of laughter immediately escaped them.
"You and Amity looked cozy." King commented, more snorts of laughter followed. Luz's eyes shot open fully now to shoot daggers the two, face flushed, which only earned her more laughter.
"What are you implying?" Luz demanded, King howled with laughter.
"Do I need to worry about giving you the talk? You and your girlfriend seem to be moving awfully fast." Eda winked devilishly, Luz's gaze grew even darker, King was now pounding his fists on the couch with his laughter.
"I do not need the talk!" Luz hissed, clenching her fists furiously. "And she's not my girlfriend!" The human added, stomping off to the kitchen to avoid their even louder fits of laughter. But they just followed, their howls of laughter following them.
"Come on Luz we're just teasing!" King chimed as Luz rolled her eyes, swinging open the fridge to find something to eat.
"Yeah but seriously, is she your girlfriend?" Luz went red, snatching an orange from the fridge before stalking away to the table to try to eat in peace.
"No! We're just friends!" Eda plunked down at the table across from Luz with a hum, King pouncing off the witch's shoulders to easily slice off the peel of Luz's orange.
"Thank you." Luz mumbled to the demon, giving him a quick pat before grabbing at a slice of fruit.
"Do you want her to be your girlfriend?" King wagged an eyebrow at her and Luz shot daggers at him, but knowing Luz would never do anything to him just giggled happily.
"I can't think about that right now King." The smiles faded, Eda's snorting laughter now gone, replaced with sympathetic eyes. Refusing to acknowledge the new mood that was over the room Luz busied herself with her orange.
"Kid, the curse can't be the only thing you focus on. If it is you'll go crazy, trust me." Eda layed a gentle hand over Luz's wrists, King mimicked the motion and placed his paws over Eda's hand. Luz looked up, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"I know it can't be the only thing I think about but.." Luz sighed, her feelings felt like a swirling cesspool. She knew she couldn't tell Eda about her night visits with Amity, the bond they had, but everything felt so confusing. Eda hummed, gently squeezing the human's arm in comfort.
"Is this about wherever you're going every night?" Luz's eyes turned to saucers, jaw instantly dropping to try and search for an answer. Nothing came. Eda snorted, retracting her arm as King slumped down on the table swiping a slice of orange from the stunned Luz. "What? You think I didn't notice?" Luz hung her head in shame, of course Eda would notice. She's the ultimate rule breaker.
"I-I'm sorry Eda.." The older witch softened, patting Luz's shoulder in comfort.
"Don't sweat it kiddo, when I was your age I was on the run from the law I have no room to judge." Luz shot up at that, eyebrow quirked opening her mouth to question Eda's statement. But she was quickly cut off. "Another story for another day, let's focus on you." Luz shut her mouth, no point in questioning that now.
"Yeah, I've been sneaking out in my wolf form and hanging out with Amity every night." Eda hummed, golden nails tapping against the table in thought.
"Has anyone else seen you?" Luz shook her head and Eda seemed to relax a little. "Good, I don't think your friend is afraid of you but to the rest of the world you either look like an extinct werewolf or a cursed being. Either way, not many people are fans, you have to make sure you're staying safe." Luz hummed in understanding, scooping up King to hug him to her chest, he was warm. After a pause Eda spoke again. "Does she know you're.. you?" Guilt twisted in Luz's stomach, gripping the demon in her arms tighter.
"No, she doesn't know." Luz replied quietly, Eda's eyes were boring into her for a long time.
"You have to tell her sometime, if we can't find a cure this will be apart of you forever Luz." Luz squeezed her eyes shut, Eda was right, she knew deep in the pit of her stomach that Eda was right. 'I need to go out.' Luz plopped King back on the table, giving him a quick kiss on the school before retreating towards the back door.
The human paused, glancing over her shoulder at her aunt. "I'll tell her I promise, and I won't let anyone else see me." Eda smiled softly, Luz gave a final wave goodbye before making her exit out the back door. A soft silence settled over the remaining pair.
"So, how long till she get's caught?" King turned to Eda, an unimpressed look crossing his features. Eda snorted, patting a rough hand onto the demon's skull head.
"I give it two weeks, a month tops."
Luz lazed beside the river bed, the sun on her back, the wind in her fur, this was peace. Luz found herself staring into the cool blue water, the reflection of amber eyes peering back at her, it felt odd staring at the reflection. It didn't feel like her, though she knew this was now apart of her, it still felt off in a way to see herself like this. With an annoyed grunt the canine sprang to her paws, unwilling to look at her reflection any longer. Turning her nose to the sky she inhaled, catching the scent of something absolutely divine. A soft growl rumbled in her chest, following her nose to wherever that smell was coming from.
'What is that?' It's a smell she had never caught before, something that made her jaws water, her orange from earlier didn't seem nearly as appetizing anymore. A twig snapped and Luz froze, shrinking into the bushes and shrubs almost on instinct, amber eyes darting about for any sign of what could've made that noise. Another crack sounded. A small deer came puttering out from it's hiding spot among the trees, Luz tipped her head back to sniff the air again. 'The smell..' It was coming from the deer. Another growl rumbled in Luz's chest, eyes set dead on the smaller creature.
Something inside Luz was screaming, daring herself to leap forward, to catch the deer in her jaws. It was like her limbs were suddenly out of her control, creeping forward quietly through the bushes, eyes never leaving the unsuspecting deer. Jaws opening to show razor sharp fangs, drool was falling in thick pools now, the scent of deer was overwhelming. Snap.
More focused on the deer than where she was stepping, Luz snapped a root. The deer shot up, looking to the spot where Luz stood, flashing into a bolting run without another hesitation. Luz took off after the deer, her legs propelling her over the forest floor, she was right on the creature's tail biting at it's heels. She could almost taste the creature now, more drool was coming from her jaws, teeth snapping inches from the deer. It was in her grasp. Just out of reach now, one more snap of the jaw and..
"Luz!" A screech brought her back to earth, skidding to a halt spraying debris from the force of her paws. The deer was out of sight in seconds, Luz snarling furiously as she whirled on whoever had interrupted her hunt.
King stood trembling, eyes low, tapping clawed paws together as he tried to stammer out his words. "S-Sorry I just wanted- wanted to see if you were busy and- and you were chasing that deer!" His eyes raised to meet Luz's, they didn't look like Luz's normal amber eyes anymore, they looked feral. Like a real wolf. "Why were you chasing that deer?" The question came out weakly, Luz was still snarling furiously and King wasn't certain she had heard his question.
The wolf tipped her head back, sniffing the air again, the deer smell long gone but instead replaced with another equally appealing scent. Luz took a menacing step forward, sniffing at the air around King, the demon nervously took a step back.
"L-Luz?" King called to his friend, but was only met with a terrifying snarling bark from the wolf. "Oh no!" King dropped to all four's bolting towards the owl house as fast as his little legs would let him, the earth seemed to tremble under him as Luz chased after him. The demon refused to look back, letting out a terrified shriek as he evaded a bite from the canine's giant jaws.
"EDA! HELP!" King was shouting out for the owl lady. Luz felt like she was in a haze, blood roaring in her ears, the only thing she could sense was the delicious smells filling her nostrils. Bursting from the tree line, panting, King called out again. "EDAAA!" The door to the owl house crashed open, the witch opening her mouth to reply to King's call was quickly cut off by the sight before her. Luz was right on King's tail, he jaws snapping behind him.
"LUZ STOP!" Eda stabbed her staff down into the ground, sending a rumble across the earth as Luz was shot into the air by a rising pillar of earth. Owlbert sprung to life, zipping forward to snatch King out of harm's way. With another swipe of her staff the earth returned flat, Luz back in the clearing snarling in Eda's direction. "Luz! Please!" Eda begged, but the wolf was already charging at her. Squeezing her eyes shut, Eda created a spell circle. A yowl screamed through the air.
When Eda opened her eyes once more, Luz was on the ground struggling and snarling furiously. Blue glowing cords trapped Luz to the ground, King was now clutching at Eda's leg staring up at her with terrified eyes.
"What happened? Why is she acting like that?" Eda sighed, crouching down to pull King into a hug.
"It happens sometimes, without the proper elixir to keep her wolf instincts in check she'll revert to her feral tendencies." Luz's growling and snarls were becoming more furious by the moment, Eda pinched her eyes shut as if trying to block out the cries. "There's nothing we can do now except wait for it to wear off." The pair fell to the ground together, sad sympathetic eyes looking at the wolf that was once their sweet human.
"She's still in there, right?" King looked up at Eda and she returned a small forced smile to the demon.
"She's in there." Eda forced herself to look at the struggling wolf again, sucking in a shaky breath to calm herself. "She has to be.."
There was a pounding in Luz's skull, her body felt so sore. "What happened?" Her throat was tight, voice barely more than a grumble. Panicked scrambling sounded in Luz's ears, she squinted through her half shut eyes to see Eda crouching down to check on her.
"Luz? Is that you?" Eda sounded panicked, it was rare for Eda to ever be afraid. Luz scrunched her brows in confusion, eyes darting around. She was outside, on the ground, it was dark out, just her and Eda. King was no where to be seen. King..
"KING!" Luz shot up, trembling with fear, searching for any sign of blood on herself. "Where is he? Did- Did I-?" Luz felt tears prickle at the edge of her eyes, Eda shot forward and circled her into an embrace.
"It's ok kid, hes okay, you're okay, we're all okay." Luz sucked in a shaky breath, relief washing over her.
"What happened? What was that? I- I felt like I wasn't myself anymore." Luz cried into Eda's shoulder, the witch clung to her niece with the fiercest hold.
"That was the curse taking a hold on you.." Eda sighed, pulling back from the hug to look Luz in the eyes, gently wiping tears from the girl's cheek. "That's what I drink my elixir for, we all have things that when we're presented with it will send us into our primal instincts and the elixir suppresses those urges." Luz shivered, letting her aunt's words wash over her.
"Then.. the deer brought out my instincts?" Eda nodded, Luz bit her lip. "So what else will bring out the instincts?" Eda shrugged her shoulders, ears lowering in almost defeat.
"Well, we don't know what kind of curse you have so we can't be sure." Eda began carefully, Luz growled in frustration. "But we know you at least are partial if not all wolf, so we can assume deer and other small prey like creatures may set you off." Luz nodded, hands curling into fists.
"But I've never chased King before?" Eda shrugged, pulling the distressed teen to her chest once more.
"No, but your curse is new, you haven't even lived with this for a month. Things may not take full effect yet." Luz pinched her eyes shut, her trembling was only getting worse. Eda sighed, gently rubbing the back of Luz's neck. "Come on kid, it's been a long day, you need some rest." Luz nodded quietly, allowing Eda to guide her to the feet and towards the owl house. Hooty silently opened the door for the pair, sympathetically frowning at Luz. Once inside the human found her eyes darting around for any sign of King, but he was no where to be seen, a soft sigh escaped her. 'I have to make it up to him..' Luz pinched her eyes shut once more, just numbly letting Eda lead her to her bedroom.
The next thing Luz realized was she was in bed, her door shut, looking out the window the moon was slowly rising. Luz just laid in bed, watching the nearly full moon rise, she felt like she was forgetting something but nothing seemed to come to mind. Drifting in and out of sleep Luz felt like everything was in a dark haze, so much was happening. Soon sleep took her, unable to stay awake any longer deep snores rattled through her body.
Luz felt like she was flying over the stretches of forest, the moon was high and she was late, super late. The moon was almost full, only a sliver remained dark, Luz couldn't believe she was approaching the first month of her curse; it had felt like so much longer. No incidents of her instinct taking control had occurred again, King had forgiven her, but it was still tense in the owl house. The cursed girl felt like she was constantly growing, both as a human and as a wolf. As a human she was taller, she could easily meet Eda's eyes now, and her once weak nerd arms were becoming more toned with muscles, she felt like her senses were sharpening constantly. Luz could smell everything lately, and in high school that is a skill that is very undesirable. As a wolf, the changes were even more apparent, Amity had commented on it many times on their late night meetings. Her limbs were no longer lanky with over sized paws, now they were much more proportioned bulging with muscles even. Her favorite new feat was her height as a wolf, she was now large enough to stand over Amity, not by much but enough to easily throw the witch onto her back like a sack of potatoes when they went for a run together.
Luz found herself doing everything in her power to make the days tick by faster so she could have these nights with Amity. Sure they had school together and Amity had made quite the effort to spend time with Luz but it wasn't the same as at night when they were both free of worries, no school, no pressure, no thoughts of the curse. The night was truly her favorite part of her life, she was just free for a while with her friend. Skidding around the last stretch of forest, scaling the cinder block wall with a smooth leap, Luz felt her lungs heave with effort. Amber eyes shooting to the third window opened, she let out a sigh of relief when she spotted a dim light. Amity was still up.
Tensing her body to leap up to the window she found herself frozen, a crash could be heard and then a soft cry. The wolf stayed frozen, turning her ears to listen carefully to the scene above her.
"-You are not a child anymore, there is no reason for you to be acting like this!" A woman's voice was hissing to someone, most likely Amity. "You have school, important things in your life, but you are up all hours of the night reading nonsense." There was another crash, a book flew from the window and Luz narrowed her eyes. Whatever was happening up there, Luz didn't like it.
"I'm sorry mother." Amity's voice sounded so small and Luz had to shove down a snarl as her heart broke for her friend. Every instinct was screaming at her to just jump through the window and tear off the face of whoever was upsetting Amity, but she kept herself rooted to the ground. For now.
"You should be." There was a pause before the sneering voice started again. "Don't you dare cry, you are a Blight, act like it." The woman's voice came out with a snap so harsh that even Luz flinched. If Amity was crying it was so quiet that Luz couldn't even catch it. The sound of a harsh smack met Luz's ears and for a moment, every bit of self control fled from Luz, a horrifying snarl leaving her lips as claws dug into the earth under her.
Thankfully, the next thing Luz heard was the sound of a door opening and snapping shut. The wolf tensed her shoulders to leap but froze, making a quick lap around the manor's lawn she found the book that had been thrown from her friend's window. Careful to not sink her fangs in too deep she picked up the volume before running back to the open window, no longer illuminated by light, leaping like silent wind through the window to fall with a thump to Amity's floor.
Her usual clean and organized room was torn apart, books and papers strewn carelessly across the floor. Some of Amity's drawings were torn up and scattered among the mess, an old stuffed rabbit with a missing eye and a few deep scratches were there too. Luz turned to where Amity was, curled up tightly on herself in bed, shoulders shaking softly. Not a sound left her. Luz's ears tucked back against her skull, she slowly shuffled towards her friend, gently probing her knee with her nose to get her attention. The witch flew back against the wall from fear, tear filled eyes shooting up to meet Luz's gentle amber gaze. A shaky breath of relief left Amity as she realized it was just the wolf, some of the tension finally leaving her limbs. Luz felt her heart drop as she noticed the hand shaped mark on Amity's cheek.
Luz climbed onto the bed not willing to wait for an invitation tonight, gently curling herself around Amity as if she was a giant protective blanket. Amity collapsed against her side, fingers instantly tangling through thick dark fur, tears spilling freely now. Luz, still holding the book in her jaws, whined softly as she dropped the thick book gently into the witch's lap. Jumping a little in surprise Amity softened when she realized what had been dropped in her lap, running a hand along the wolf's ears.
"Thank you." She whispered softly, pulling the canine's head in for a hug. Luz always felt massive when Amity hugged her skull like this, but she kept herself still letting Amity take all the comfort she needed. They stayed like that for a long while, Amity gripping onto Luz like she was a lifeline as she quietly cried.
When Amity did pull away, Luz gently licked a few stray tears from Amity's cheeks earning a soft giggle from the witch. Running polished fingers over the star covered book upon her lap, she sucked in a shaky breath. "This is one of my favorite books." Luz looked at the cover, it was covered in stars with a howling purple wolf. 'The Curse Of The Lavender Moon.'
"Maybe I am too old to be reading children's tales." Amity considered with a whimper, Luz immediately slapped a paw over the book as if to stop her from moving it. The green haired girl chuckled a little, placing her hand over Luz's paw. There was a huge size difference now. "Thank you, L." Amity leaned her head back against the wolf's side, letting herself melt against the canine, gently pushing Luz's paw aside so she could open the book. Luz glanced over Amity's shoulder to the open page across her lap, the witch noticed her staring and giggled.
"I can read it to you, if you want." Luz gave a vigorous nod, happily plopping her giant head over the small girl's shoulder so she could see the pictures. Amity laughed now, quiet so not to wake anyone, but she sounded more like herself. Luz's body sagged in relief. 'There's my Amity.'
"Alright the curse of the lavender moon.." Amity began turning the page, a beautiful drawing of silver wolves dancing under a purple moon. It looked like a party. "Long ago werewolves filled the forest, wild but friendly creatures they were known far and wide as the protectors of the forest. The wolves loved the forest deeply, it was their home, and every year they celebrated their love of the forest on the night of the lavender moon. Wolves born on the night of the lavender moon were said to be the strongest among them." Amity turned the page as the text finished, this time the wolves were standing with people, towering over the men. "Over the years as civilization grew, humans began to move deeper into the forests. At first the wolves were happy to share their home and all it had to offer, there was enough to go around for all in their eyes." Another page turn, this time the wolves were snarling and the men were standing with gruesome weapons. Luz felt her ears tuck against her skull. "However, humans were not content. They wanted more, taking more and more from the forests, resources became scarce. The wolves begged the humans to stop destroying their home, but the humans were relentless. Angered by the humans' greed and disregard for the wolves, war broke out."
The next page was a snarling wolf covered in blood, Luz felt sick to her stomach. "Humans put a bounty out for the pelts of werewolves, the extinction of werewolves began. At first they fought but the wolves were outnumbered, they began to flee and hide, unable to protect the forest more and more was taken by the humans. Over the years, werewolves become more and more scarce, hiding became harder. Soon only one wolf remained, a pregnant female." Another page turned to show a beautiful silver wolf standing alone in the light of a purple moon, head held high in defiance as men aimed weapons at her head. "The lavender moon had not been celebrated in years, but as the last female of her kind she defied the men that sought to killed her and gave birth before the lavender moon. Her pup was killed before it could even take its first breath, the men ready to do the same to her. With her last breathes the wolf screamed out to the lavender moon. 'Men have taken my pup, taken my family, my mate, now they will take me. So for this, on the night of the lavender moon I will return, and I will take one of your own to make up for what you have done to mine.' The men, not heading her warning, took the life of the last werewolf." The final page was that of an ominous lavender moon against a dark sky.
A stiff silence fell over the room, Luz's mind was racing with the information she had been given. 'The lavender moon..' The word's rang in her ears, she had to tell Eda. Amity was yawning now, snapping Luz back to this moment as the witch slumped against the wolf. "It's late." She murmured, snuggling herself into the wolf's side, golden eyes lulling shut. Luz glanced to the window, wondering if she should slip out now or after Amity's fast asleep. A soft tug on her fur caught her attention once more, turning to look down at the sleepy girl. "Stay with me?" She pleaded softly, Luz felt herself melt laying her head down across Amity's lap. The tired girl smiled thankfully, letting herself relax and shutting her eyes, breathing soon becoming deep as she slipped into sleep. Book still clutched lightly in her hands.
"I'm here Amity, I won't leave." Luz quietly whispered, letting her own amber eyes slowly shut.
Amity groaned as her phone blared an alarm, snuggling deeper into her warm plush bed as she squeezed her eyes shut. When Amity finally forced her eyes open once more she jumped for a second, surprised at the sight before her, the events from last night came rushing back and the witch relaxed. L was sleeping peacefully still, curled protectively around Amity like a furry protective shield, and the smaller girl sighed in content as she snuggled back against the wolf. She was usually gone by the time Amity woke up every morning, it was a welcome sight to have the canine still by her side.
When neither budged for another few minutes Amity's phone alarm blared again, this time rousing them both from their sleep. L raised her head as an exhausted yawn escaped her, giant fangs flashing for a moment that Amity couldn't help but stare at, they were longer than her palm.
"Good morning." Amity grumbled to the wolf as she slipped out of bed, L responding with a small murmur like whine. It was the closest Amity ever got the canine to speaking. L was snoring again by the time Amity reached her closet making the girl chuckle, picking a random clean school uniform before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Luz slept a little longer before opening her amber eyes with a groan, within moments she was aware of a lack of heat on her side. Shooting up she frantically shot her gaze around the room, sniffing around the bed only to be met with the stale scent of her friend, perking her ears she listened for any sign of the girl. All that met her was the sound of a running shower, Luz let out a relaxed sigh at that, letting her body fall back to the bed with a plop. 'She's safe, good.' Luz's eyes strayed to the book that still lay open on the bed, the memory of the story fresh in her mind. 'I have to tell Eda, this might be what happened.' The shower cut off cutting off Luz's concentration, she would have to worry about telling her aunt everything later.
Amity wasn't gone for much longer, when she returned she wore her Hexside uniform, hair done and makeup perfectly in place. Luz would've been blushing at the sight if she had been human, Amity really was so gorgeous. 'Woah, where did that come from?' Luz shook her head in an attempt to rid her head of the thoughts, but then she realized her tail was thumping happily.
Amity approached her with a soft smile, running her hands along Luz's cheek fur much to the wolf's happiness. "I wish I could spend the day with you, but I have school." Luz found herself whining, it ripped out of her before she had a chance to stop it, Amity giggled. "I'll see you tonight Doofus, you'll live." Luz rolled her eyes, she would see Amity sooner than that so it wouldn't be too bad but still Luz worried. The werewolf couldn't help but stare at Amity's lightly bruised cheek, the witch seemed to feel the gaze and gently touched the bruised skin.
"I'm okay, I promise." Luz wasn't fooled, a soft growl left her chest. 'I want to stay with you.' The words almost escaped the wolf, she had to clamp her jaws down to keep it in. Luz had to suppress a growl at her own frustrations, what was wrong with her today? Amity seemed to notice the wolf's discomfort, scratching behind the canine's ears in an attempt to calm her. It worked for a moment, Luz's body relaxing to lean into the touch, tail thumping once more. "Come over as soon as the sun is down, I'll make sure the window is open for you. That makes you feel better?" Luz considered the girl's offer, between school and coming as soon as the sun was down there would only be a few hours that Amity would be out of her protection. It was the best option she had, so with a quick nuzzle of her snout to Amity's cheek she turned tail and leapt easily out the window.
Luz found herself tapping her foot at lightning speed, everything felt so overwhelming today. The usual nauseating smells were overbearing today, the constant murmur of students felt like thunder in her ears, the worst of all Amity's usual sweet scent of rain was turned into a smell similar to a hurricane. She was constantly aware of the green haired witch, who was currently busy eating her lunch and studying over one of her textbooks. Luz ran her hand through her messy hair, sucking in a shaky breath, Willow narrowed her eyes at the human. Something was definitely off.
"Hey Luz, you ok?" Willow's question seemed to catch everyone's attention, Luz froze to stare at Willow while everyone else's gaze turned to the human.
"Yeah you've been kind of, weird. Weirder than normal." Gus added, Amity didn't comment but hummed her own agreement. Luz felt panic grip her, eyes flashing an eerie orange that was gone within a blink. 'Maybe I should've stayed home.' Luz considered, gripping at her arm nervously.
"I'm fine, just tired." Luz replied flatly, Willow's eyes narrowed suspiciously behind round glasses but she didn't push further. Amity however didn't take her eyes off the human, golden eyes narrowing with her own suspicions. Luz had been like this all day, constantly shaking, answering everything quickly and flatly, just very unlike herself. Amity opened her mouth to question the human more, but was cut off by a familiar pink witch slamming her hands down on the table between Luz and herself. The human jumped, rounding on the figure as her lips curled into a snarl that was smirking down at Amity, unphased by the action Amity simply started up at her.
Boscha grinned down at the other witch, flicking her hair dramatically. Gus and Willow stared in much the same fashion that Amity did, less than impressed. "Hey Am's what do you think you're doing?" She drawled, eyeing the odd group with an unkind smirk. Amity rolled her eyes, turning back to her food and textbook with the intention of ignoring the other girl.
"Go away Boscha, I told you I don't want to be friends anymore." It was true, Amity had enough of the pink witch's antics and had been very firm in her decision to sever all ties with her. Three eyes rolled at Amity's answer, she hadn't taken the hint so far. Luz was now gripping the table, knuckles almost white with the effort it took to keep herself in place. 'I need to get out of here.' Luz's eyes darted around looking for any exit path she could find, Boscha quickly took notice of the unusually quiet human.
"Human, something wrong?" Boscha purred, Amity's eyes snapped up again to glare at the witch.
"Hey, back off Boscha." Willow warned the other witch, shoulders tensing as green eyes narrowed. The three eyed witch chuckled, not even sparing Willow a glance.
"Stay out of this half-witch." Luz felt the table crack under her fingers, rage filling her as Boscha insulted her friend. "I asked you a question, human." Her sing-song voice only egged on Luz's anger, the werewolf could feel her fangs breaking through the surface. 'Stay. Calm.' Luz tried to suck in a deep breath, but before she could exhale again Boscha had smacked her hand on the table again. Luz's eyes turned an eerie amber, this time staying like that.
"Boscha! Get lost I already told you!" Amity's face was red with rage now, this got the pink witch's attention long enough for her to shoot Amity a cunning grin.
"Am' you're so sensitive." Before Amity could respond the other witch snatched her juice from the green haired witch's tray, twisting it around her hand in thought. "You need to cool down." Amity opened her mouth to reply but was cut off as juice was poured over her head, frozen with rage and embarrassment Amity could nothing but sit and gape growing even redder as the rest of the juice soaked her head. People snorted with laughter around them. "Oops." Boscha, as if to add insult to injury, dropped the now empty cup onto Amity's head to let it bounce off her skull with a thump. "You should watch yourself Amity, keep associating with scum and it'll only get worse from here." Boscha turned to walk away, but instead was met with a blocked path. The giggling ceased, a terrified shout followed, Amity felt her breath catch in her throat as she realized what exactly was blocking the bully witch's path. Or more specifically who.
Luz had seemingly vanished, replaced by a familiar giant wolf that stood over Boscha now, jaw agape to show off rows of sparkling fangs. The three eyed witch was trembling, incoherent fear filled mumbling the only thing leaving her. Willow and Gus were staring wide eyed at the sight, the tension in the room was suffocating.
Luz took a menacing step towards the witch, who quickly stumbled back in an attempt to escape the wolf. "LEAVE-" Another step. "AMITY-" Another step, Boscha felt her throat catch as she realized she had bumped against the table. There was nowhere to go. "ALONE!" Luz leapt forward with a final menacing snarl, Boscha's arms shot up to cover her head, bracing for impact, a terrified screech was all that followed.
But no impact ever came, when the three eyed witch lowered her arms she let out a sigh of relief. Amity was standing in front of her, arms stretched out to protect the pink haired witch, Luz was frozen in place snarling furiously. Amity didn't budge, instead meeting the amber gaze of the wolf without fear. Without wasting another second Boscha fled, Luz snarled furiously as she got away but Amity blocked her path still so the wolf did not budge.
"Luz?" Amity's voice tried to sound strong but the werewolf could hear the slight shake, a pang of guilt shone through her rage. Whimpering, the wolf lowered her head in shame, she wasn't sure what came over her. The witch sucked in a shaky breath, moving her hands from stuck out to her sides to extend them instead towards the werewolf. Luz, unable to resist her urge to do so, pushed her head into Amity's open palms. Polished fingers tangled her fur and Luz relished the feeling. "You.. You.." Amity couldn't find the words she wanted to say, eyes shining with emotions she could not voice. Not now, not with everyone around.
"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE?!" A booming voice cut through the scene, effectively tearing both the werewolf and the witch from their own world and back down to earth. It was Principal Bump, Boscha was standing beside him, arms crossed smugly. Bump raised his hand, drawing a spell circle in the air.
"Wait Bump!" Willow and Gus jumped to the werewolf's aid, running to stand between her and the principal that was glaring daggers at the werewolf. "It's Luz! She wouldn't hurt anyone!" They tried to reason with him, their yelling was enough of a distraction to break the man's spell circle. Amity whirled around, staring into Luz's fearful amber with her own terrified golden.
"Run!" It was all the witch could manage, finally shaking Luz from her dazed state. Blood roaring in her ears she obeyed, turning tail and running as fast as her limbs would let her. The faint smell of rain was the last thing she caught before the world became a blur around her.

A/N: Haha wonder why Luz is acting so weird, almost like there's a full moon right? Anyways. Lots of secrets revealed today folks, hope you enjoy and again sorry for no chapter next week hope the real long one makes up for it. <3

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