the talk

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Jill was extremely nervous, she had to go in after she saw the doctor and let her Captain know that, she had actually come down ill with a cold, that was pretty bad. But not only that jil also found out that the fall she had. Also caused her to have a slight concussion, but Jil was concerned about how to explain to her captain and to her senior trainer/her only friend, the reason for her being late.

"Jil," said the captain

"yes captain" answered Jil

"where have you been" asked the captain

"I.....forgot.....that...I had to come in today, but I needed to see the doctor beforehand...I'm sorry cap" answered Jill extremely nervously

" I see, that makes sense but next time please call me. I am mad at you, but I think it's about time you told the guys, about your past. I had already figured out that you did not have a great childhood" answered the captain

so Jill went into the room and looked at the guys. Jil decided that her Captain was right she had to tell the guys but she was extremely scared about they're reaction, to the fact that jil did not tell them about her past. Scott looked up and he was still pretty mad at jil for not calling in and not even letting anyone know that she wasn't going to be able to get in on time. so jil went over to the table and sat down and took a deep breath to calm down.

"hey.... guys......there's.....something......I didn't tell you about me" said Jill

" what Jil," asked everyone but Scott

" I...... don't know how to tell you this, but I didn't have the best of childhood," said Jill very nervously

Jil explains to them about her childhood. how her uncle would beat her up and the rest of her family wouldn't even care. she also explained that due to the fact that she gets very uncomfortable when someone gets mad or angry or just starts screaming at her for no reason. jil would have a hard time responding or even talking in general and that it explained why she is very quiet most of the time.

everyone was extremely shocked, that jil herself was an abused child basically. Jil explains that no matter what, she was going to be the best she can and that no matter what someone says she doesn't care. she will do her job no matter what, but right now she had to go home and rest because she can't work on medicine, kind of against the rules as she puts it. everyone laughed at that and agreed, but even though she could actually work. she wasn't going to work well-taking medicine, it was against the rules, and having a slight concussion was not the best idea. so Jil told everyone bye and had left something in the captain's office for Scott. Jil was upset that Scott had not talked to her while she was there, but she understood that well she didn't call in, Scott had a right to be mad she didn't follow regulations.

"Scott come in my office please" ask the captain

"yes Captain, what do you need" answered Scott

"this was a lift for you by Jill," said the captain

"what Jill left something for me. what could it be?" answered Scott

"well open it you're never going to find out unless you do" teased the captain

so Scott opened the mysterious thing that Jill left. Scott finds out Jill had not just left him a letter but a friendship necklace.

/dear Scott

I know you're mad at me, but I want you to know that this is the first time I've ever had a friend and I know that because I didn't follow regulations. you had to right to be mad, but I want you to know that I do care about you and all the guys there and I am deeply sorry I didn't follow regulations. but I wish for you to understand that well I didn't listen or follow the regulations. you didn't need to get mad so much, I do have a problem with people being mad and angry. so I want you to take this necklace as a gift and as a symbol of our friendship cuz in truth, you are my only friend.

sincerely jil Gage/

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