Chapter 20. Fallen Angels

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A week later...

It's been a month since Draco's here and he seemed to adjust to everything quite well. With Ted gone, Theo has been playing wizard chess with Draco instead. He wasn't bad but Theo was definitely better, though Blaise is the best out of the three of them. Blaise hasn't changed much, following Lovegood around. Though for the past week she's gone he's been in much of a very grumpy mood.

For Theo though, he saw it as an opportunity to mess around with Blaise. Theo could here Blaise yelling to Malfoy. 

"And Theo is just pissing me off-

Theo laughed so hard, he didn't here the rest of what he said. Blaise is usually the rational with with much better control of his temper so when he does have outbursts, Theo finds it extremely amusing as not much has been happening since the departure of Ted.

The house was felt empty, and there midnight meetings with Andromeda were quiet with little words passed. Theo did pity Andromeda a bit as he shared the same wary for Ted. He could here Blaise flipping over Lovegood again, she may be a lunatic but she's smart enough to stay careful and safe.

"Blaise love, you a cup of tea?" Theo asked mimicking Luna's voice. 

"Theo I swear-

"You look a bit tired, let me tuck you to bed." Theo continued on going over to rub Blaise's face. Though Blaise just slapped his hand away. The door swung open and Lovegood came in.Blaise ran over and held on to her for a good minute or too. Passed a couple lovers words as Draco walked in.

"Turn on the radio to potterwatch." Luna said gesturing to the radio.

"Who was such big fans of Potter that they made a fan club on the radio for him?" Theo asked.

"Where have you been?" Blaise asked Luna urgently.

"Or just don't answer my question." Theo pointed out rolling his eyes with an annoyed sighed.

"I was helping the order, they needed me to stay a bit longer this time." Luna replied.

"I'll make you some tea." Blaise offered. Luna just nodded.

"I like your hair, Theo." Luna said abruptly. Theo looked to surprise as he just nodded and shot her back a quick smile hoping that Malfoy and Blaise both didn't notice.


Another week... 

The days passed by quite quickly, The stars outside every night were extremely bright, the full moon lasted longer than usual. Andromeda seemed much better this week despite that there were no signs of Ted. They all seemed to enjoy each others company and at times, Tracey and Miles would come out and tag along. 

Malfoy would disappear into his thoughts at random moments and zoning back minutes after. He was always thinking about something, or overthinking about it and Theo just couldn't grasp his mind on what it was.

Somehow this morning they all woke up at the same time and got to gather around for breakfast which is a very rare thing. Excluding Tracey and Miles as there eating schedules were very weird.

Theo sat beside Millicent with his tea, as he realized the peculiar ways that Malfoy makes his food. They were all staring at the steam rising from his mug.

"You make it the muggle way," Luna remarked, as Malfoy zoned back in from his daydream.


"You tea," she said. "You make it the muggle way."

"I noticed that," Theo narrowed his eyes. "You food too, now I think about it-

"So?" Draco said in a bit of a defensive tone and shrugges. "What's your point?"

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