Saturday Morning part 1

17 3 2

This takes place before DWIT

Virgil's POV 

I feel warmth on my face. That's weird.

A chill goes through me. I don't feel my hoodie, or my heavy quilt I usually have.

I open my eyes. Light floods them so I close them right away. Ow.

I sit up. A blanket falls off of me. 

I open my eyes slowly this time. I see that the light is coming from the window. 

I look around. The tv is playing the end scene of nightmare before Christmas. 

Memories of last night flood into my head. I look to my left to see Patton and Logan leaning against each other, sleeping, on the other sofa. 

To my right I see Roman. He's curled up in a ball. He's kinda cute when he's not making fun of me. 

"What am I saying?!?" I whisper shout at myself. "Or thinking? I mean...." I trail off.  

I stand up slowly, trying not to wake up Roman. Down at my feet is a red blanket. That must've been his. 

I pick it up and gently place it on him. 

I look around at the floor. Movie cases are scattered all over the floor with a couple pieces of popcorn that were left after our popcorn fight. Logan had us clean it up right away. 

I walked towards the door to the hallway. I looked back at the commons. The others weren't waking up any time soon. 

I walked over to the kitchen. It was really quiet and I didn't have my hoodie. Two things that usually don't occur. 

The kitchen tiles were cold against my bare feet. All I had on was my purple tee-shirt and black ripped jeans. 

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out some left over fettuccine Alfredo from last nights dinner. 

I put it in the microwave for about a minute and pulls out my phone to check tumblr. Then I grabbed the pasta and went to sit at the table. 

It was 8:23 and Thomas doesn't wake up until 12:00 so the others will be tired if they get up now. It won't effect me because I'm not like them. 

"Good morning sunshine." I hear a very groggy voice say. I turn to see Roman trudge into kitchen. 

His hair is messy but it's not like mine is any better. 

"Are the others up?" I ask. Hopeing Patton isn't up to tell me that pasta isn't a breakfast food. I know it isn't but it's just so good. 

"No not yet bet I have the feeling they might be soon." He opens the fridge and pulls out some cereal and milk. 

He sits down next to me and pores some into a bowl. 

"I guess you and I tied." He says with a smirk on his face. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"Last night I bet you 2 movie nights my choice if you fall asleep first. And vice-versa if I fell asleep first." Oh right. I completely forgot.

"I feel asleep when Jack played fetch with zero." I said. Shrugging and going back to my pasta. 

"No way." He says. "I fell asleep when sally and jack sing there duet. Which means I get to choose  the movies for the next two nights."

"Whatever princey." I say. I stand up and put my stuff in the sink. "if you need my I'll be in my room!" I call back as I walk out.

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It's 2:40 am where I am and I'm not tired. Y?

Welp, goodbye, goodnight, good morning, good afternoon, or whatever 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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