Chapter 1

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"(Y/n)! Over here!" I heard my sister shout across the station. It took about 4 hours but I finally made it to Maria City to live with my sister. "Hange!" I shouted while running to her and hugging her close. I haven't seen her in years because of our dysfunctional family. "(Y/n) I'm so glad you made it here safe. Give me one of your bags you must be tired." She said grabbing one of the bags I brought with me. I thanked her and followed her to her car.

"How is everyone?" I asked her referring to her friends. "They're good. We all work at the same place so you'll be seeing them way more often." She responded putting one of the bags into the trunk. "Levi too?" I said in shock. She hummed. "He's the assistant principal. Erwin is the principal. I'm the guidance counselor and science teacher of course!" Hange beamed at me. I shook my head giggling a little bit. "I can't wait for that class." I said sarcastically. She widened her eyes. "(Y/n)! You're so mean." She whined and fake cried.

After we packed everything into her car, we drove off to her apartment. Because of Hange's job and other things that she does, she is pretty wealthy. Maria City is where a lot of rich people live. Hange owns a 2 bedroom apartment, she wanted to save the second bedroom for me hoping that I would be able to come live with her one day.

After about 10 minutes, we finally made it to her apartment building. They had their own parking space so she went and parked. "Go ahead Into the lobby. Tell the doorman that you're Hange's little sister and he'll help us." Hange told me. I nodded and stepped out of the car.

The lobby was extremely elegant and clean. You can definitely tell people with money lives here. I took a quick scan of the room before spotting the doorman. I walked up to him. "Excuse me?" I called out. He looked down at me from his book then gave me a small smile. "Yes? How may I be at your service?" He asked me in a polite tone. "Well, I'm Hange's little sister. She sent me here to tell you that?" I said nervously, not really knowing what to say. He closed the book and got up. "Oh! So you're who she's been talking about non stop! Nice to meet you. I'm Derek." The doorman, well Derek, introduced himself. I smiled. "I'm (y/n)." I said back. "Let's start getting your things inside." He said walking toward the parking lot. I nodded and followed close behind so I wouldn't get lost.

After about 10 minutes we finally got everything into the elevator. We made it to the 10th floor and walked to her door. When she opened it, I was in awe. "Hange, you literally live in a mansion!" I shouted running to the middle of the living room. Her apartment was huge. "I'm glad you like it. Help me with these bags little sis. It's your stuff." She said struggling to push the bags into the room. "Oh oops." I giggled and ran to help her.

"So our rooms are up the stairs. We each have our own bathroom connected to your room." Hange explained. I followed her to the first door. "Here is your room." She said opening the door. It had a perfect view of Maria. "Hange, it's amazing! I love it!" I shouted running into the room and looking around. I walked over to the window and looked outside. The city really was a pretty place. "Come look at the bathroom!" Hange said and motioned me to come over. I opened the door and my jaw dropped.(pictures at end of chapter)

"Ok, I'm literally in a dream." I said still in shock. Hange just laughed and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Nope. Believe it sister!" She smiled. I smiled back at her. "Unpack and meet me downstairs for dinner I want to tell you what we will be doing tomorrow." She said while walking towards the door and leaving. I looked around and sighed. "Time to start unpacking."

~3 hours later~

I was finally done unpacking my things and I smiled. I'm thankful that Hange bought a TV and put it in my room. All I have left to do is set up my gaming systems but I decided to do that a little bit later. I turned off the lights and ran to the kitchen.

"All done kiddo?" Hange asked while giving me my plate. "Yup! Thank you for the food. Actually for everything. You're the best." I smiled brightly. She gave a soft smile. "Anything for you. Tomorrow we have to go to the school. I have to get you admitted and you need to get your uniform and a list of supplies. After I'm done with work we will go buy some." She explained to me. I nodded. "What time will we be going?" I asked her. "8:30." She bluntly stated. I groaned. "Hange! That's way too early." I whined. "Well, you're going to have to get use to it." She argued: I grumbled and kept eating my food.

~the next morning~

We arrived at the school. It was a decent size for a high school, but it wasn't too big nor too small. Hange led me to Erwin's office. She knocked on the door. "Come I'm." I heard his voice speak out. We walked in and sat on the chairs in front of his desk. "Hello Hange. And hello (Y/n). You've grown a lot." Erwin said shocked by how mature I became. He last saw me when I was only 8. I'm 15 now. "Hi Erwin. It's nice to see you." I said smiling. "Where's Levi?" Hange asked. "I'll tell him to come now." Erwin said picking up the phone. I took that time to analyze his office. It was well lit by the natural sunlight, he had papers scattered across the long table behind us. On his desk It was very neat with a computer and a printer on the other side. There were also pictures of his family. We then heard a knock on the door. When it opened, I saw Levi. "Shorty! You're here!" Hange yelled. "Tch. Shut up glasses." He cringed at her loud voice. His eyes then landed on me. "You've gotten big brat." Levi said with the same bored tone. "Hi Levi. I'm still surprised you work at a school of all places." I said to him. "Tch. Whatever. Let's just get you admitted then I'll show you around." Levi rolled his eyes and walked to the chair next to me. I smiled and nodded.

 I smiled and nodded

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