chapter 4

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??? POV

I had just woken up with terrible head pain, I, I remember now I was executed with the others because we got the mastermind wrong. Except for Byakuya. Maybe he was spared, god damnit why wasn't the Ultimate Detective able to figure out the mastermind! I can't believe they were right under our noses this whole time..

Where even am I? It looks like the same place I found Makoto, the garbage dump? Did he not actually execute us, that's particularly strange for the mastermind of a killing game, maybe he does still have a heart, although I sincerely doubt that claim, it's nice to believe sometimes.

I start to get up and wipe myself from the trash I've been sitting in for a while. I look around for anyone else, I see Aoi, Toko, and Yasuhiro all unconscious laying in trash. I'll give them time to wake up, they'll need the rest for when we execute (teehee) my escape plan, and defeat the mastermind, or at least try to change his ways.

I look around for a latch or a door, I spot one and immediately rush towards it, shaking the doorknob back and forth, praying for it to open up. Nothing, it was locked securely, I don't think I would ever be able to escape, I'm a failure to all my friends, I couldn't even save any of them from death, even the blackens, maybe if the situation had been different, none of them would've murdered in the first place.

I feel something wet roll down my cheek, tears? But why am I crying, is it the guilt I'm carrying for all of them, it's finally pushing down on me, all this pressure it feels like I'm about to crumble under all of it. I wipe my tears and give my self a pep talk, there's no need to cry, it's all in the past and I need to move forward and see what I learned from my mistakes to be a better me.

I smile to myself, motivated and I try kicking down the down as hard as I could, and eventually, it opened, I realized I was in some sort of basement. I started looking around, and then I saw it, my eyes widened from the shock.




















Tears rolled down faster than I could wipe them after seeing, seeing Byakuya's dead body on the floor, his blood was splattered everywhere, the walls, the floor, even the ceiling. I couldn't believe it like most of the things that were happening in the short span of days. Did, Makoto do this? That was the only question that filled my mind, it echoed, louder each time, my ears felt like bleeding from the throbbing noise. I feel to the floor on my knees in pain, closing my eyes and covering my ears, praying that the noise would stop.

It eventually did and I ran back down to the garabatear dump before Makoto could come back, he eventually would to clean up the body, or would he leave it there to rot? Letting the horrible smell of our dead friend fill up our senses until we would slowly wouldn't be able to smell anything except spoiled dead meat and cold blood?

I lied down on the dirty floor, stained with dried blood and piled with trash all about and tried to get some sleep. Of course I knew that would be impossible, but it's nice to try sometimes.

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