A child!?

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Unknown POV:

"Izuku.. I'm sorry.. I love you but I just couldn't forgive myself if I kept letting you live like this.. I hope you live in a happy home and I really am sorry.. I wish we could have had some more time Together.. Hopefully someday I will see you again.." I said while writing a letter of a thank you and sorry in hope someone good will find the baby.

Nemuri POV.

I was taking a walk outside of UA. I needed some time for myself.. But then I saw.. a baby with a dirty white thin blanket with rips and tears as well as a ragged and dirty pikachu onesie. I slowly tiptoed up to the baby, crouching down beside him and saw a letter slightly poking out of the blanket. I opened the envelope and read 

'To who ever is reading this, I am truly sorry for leaving my baby here but I just can't take care of him myself.. After this baby was born his father left, only sparing £100 and keeping the rest to himself, though all of that money is now gone... I have no place to go and I got fired from my  job.. I'm hoping that you can give this baby a nice happy home and please.. Tell him I'm sorry.. His name is Izuku Midorya..

 Thank you again...

-Ms Midorya.'

I now felt bad..  or just for the baby but for the woman.. But I will give her her wish, I'll make her baby boy to be happy... Though I'm gonna need to call a meeting...

I nervously took my phone out of my pockets and called the one and only UA principal, Nezu.

"Excuse me, Nezu?" I asked tapping my foot on the ground repeatedly whilst carrying the upset baby through the buildings doors.

"Yes what is it?" The principal asked calmly.

"I was wondering if you could call the staff for a meeting?" I asked getting a little quieter at the end.

"Oh Of course Nemuri, but why?" He asked confused.

"You'll see.." I then ended the call leaving him even more confused. "God this is gonna be a pain.."


Hey sorry this is short but I will post later today! I hope you enjoyed! See you in the next chapter!

Edited on the 31st of October.

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