chapter 17

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Kai brang his hands up to his face and began to sob into them. He still clutched the feather.

You were questioning why he had said mum when he was crying, but you were going to ask once he had calmed.

You awkwardly took his head into your hands and pulled him towards you. You brang his head under yours and wrapped your arms around him.

You felt him trembling like a scared puppy. When he hiccuped and sobbed you felt your heart stop. It pained you to see him like this.

"Shhh.." you whispered as you ran your fingers through his golden locks.

After a while he calmed down and all that was heard was the occasional sniffle from him.

He gently pulled away from your embrace. He slowly looked up at you, his eyes red and swollen.

You sighed and whiped the dried tears off of his cheeks. You leant over and pressed a small kiss on his forehead before speaking.

"Are you okay?" You softly asked. Concern laced in every word.

His reply was a small sniffle and a slow nod.

You sighed and smiled at him,placing a hand under his chin slowly bringing his face up to look at you.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" You asked as you drew your hand back from his chin.

"Sure.." he Said. His voice was much lower than usual and it was much more fragile. It was like his voice could break at any moment. 

You smiled at him, motioning him to start.

"Well, this feather belonged to my mother..." he began as he fiddled with the feather in his hands.

"She was amazing. She taught me right from wrong, how to fight, taught me how to be a Naga... I was merely a child when she told me she had to leave. I didn't know why she had to leave until a few weeks later..." he paused for a second,clutched the feather in his hands tightly.

"I was hunting for food when I heard an all to familiar voice. It was my mother's. I found her with spears and arrow piercing her flesh. Hunters stood above her almost lifeless body. They killed her before she could say he last words!" He yelled as he smashed his fist into the drawer, causing a few bits of splintered wood to fling into the air.

This made you jump and let out a small yelp.

"They killed my kind, my friends, and my family.." he said as he looked up at you. His expression was furious. His nose was scrunched,his teeth were clenched and his brows were arched.

"This is all the left.. a damn feather she used to wear in her hair!" He yelled.

You sat there,almost shaking. You knew he wasn't mad at you, but it felt like he way yelling right at you.

"I-i am sorry.."was all you could get out. You felt a tear threaten to roll down your cheek.

Kai sighed and placed his head in your lap. "Sorry,I didn't mean to yell at you"

You were still a little shaken by his outrage, but you rose your hand to his golden locks and gently patted his head as you sighed.

"Its okay"you replied.

Kai hummed and snuggled up closer to your form. His hands wrapped around you and clenched the fabric of your clothes.

"Did i scare you?" He asked, his voice slightly muffled from his face being in your clothes.

You gulped and frowned slightly.

"Yeah..a little..." you quietly answered. Your eyes fell on the top of his head, studying his golden hair.

He glanced up at you,almost looking childish. His eyes looked a little hurt but mostly concerned.

"I am sorry" he said as he pushed himself up. He stood in front of you. He glanced down at the feather in his hand and then back at you. He shook his head and placed it back on the drawer.

He left the room without any words.

You sighed and flopped on to your back. You snuggled up to the sheets and closed your eyes. It was still daylight outside,but you gladly gave into the realm of dreams.

Kai's P.O.V

I made my way through the small track in the forest. I had planned on staying with y/n, but after hearing I had scared her I decided to let her be.

I looked down at my hands. They were so big compared to y/n's. I could easily hurt her without trying.

I shook my head and continued on. I soon made it to the lake where we were only a few hours ago.

I sat myself down on the soft soil by the side of the water.

"What came over Me?" I asked myself.

"Why did i yell at her? Why did i touch her like that? What is this?" I asked to no one in particular.

I looked out at the water. It was so clear and calm. It glinted when the rays of sunlight hit it. It was beautiful.

I looked to my side as I remembered y/n had left her shoes behind.

There, her f/c shoes were sitting on the ground. The water had soaked the tips of them and sand had got caught on them too.

I reached out and grabbed them, placing them at my side. My gaze fell on the water again. It was so calming. I could just gaze out on the water and forget all my worries.

I huffed as my head fell in to my hands. I closed my eyes and let out a few deep breaths in hopes of easing my stress.

I sat there like that for a few moments before I decided I should go back. The sun was almost half way hiden by the horizon.

It was a fairly quick trip back to my home. On the way I had gathered some new fruits to replace the old ones I had dropped.

When I entered my home,I placed them in a white clay dish that I had made myself.

I slithered into my bedroom. There, I saw y/n sleeping so peacefully in my furs. She was entangled in them.

I made my way over to her and examined her face. She was at peace.

I smiled and fixed a few furs that weren't quite covering her completely.

"I love you" I whispered before I placed a gently kiss on her forehead before I got in bed aswell.

I was careful not to wake her when getting in. Once I was fully under the furs, I slowly made my way over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, gently bringing her in closer to me. I placed my head over her shoulder and eventually fell asleep.

She was mine, and I had to protect her from the dangers of the jungle surrounding us.


Hi! Sorry this chapter took a while to be updated. Half way through writing it I had a phase where I was really depressed. I couldn't write because I had no inspiration to do anything really. Also, another thing I have noticed is that I am starting the write my chapters longer and longer. Do you peeps like that? Anyway,have a great day/ night and be safe!

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