chapter 28

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You groaned as you awoke from yet another dreamless slumber. Your body had become very sore and exhausted from the bullet wound. You found that if you moved one part of your body, it would somehow make you thigh hurt as well.

You felt the familiar but yet foreign feeling of a comfortable sleeping arrangement. you had grown used to sleeping in the forest. You let out a content sign as you let your eyes close again. You felt safe again. You felt at home.

Your eyes were forced open when you heard the slight 'tink' of cutlery on a plate. Your attention was brought to the side of you, where Kai had placed a small plate with a few cut up pieces of fruit on it. there was a hand crafted fork next to the fruit. You supposed it was so easting would be easier for you.

Your gaze traveled from the plate and up along his torso until you met his gaze. he looked worn-out. You noticed he had small dark circled forming under his eyes and his hair wasn't in it's neatest condition. you stiffly turned your upper body to face Kai.

"Finding things hard?" you asked him. Referring to his new life without an arm. You had sympathy for him. It must be terrible trying to navigate while you have lost a limb.

Kai met your eyes and let his shoulders relax. It seemed that your sympathy comforted him. He looked so tense and you wished you could help him.

"Don't worry about me. I will be fine. Just trying to adjust" He said as he looked down at his injury. It looked as though the blood was still pouring. He was bound to run our of cloth and bandages. You gave him the most sorry-filled look you could muster up. He smiled back at you, in a way of thanks.

Kai cleared his throat and looked down at the space next to you on the bed. You looked down at the furs that were neatly sitting there: waiting for someone to climb in and snuggle up to them. It was like Kai was a little awkward around you since it had been a while since you two could be normal around each other.

You gave Kai a small smile and patted the space next to you. It was almost as if a wave of relief flushed over Kai's face. He stiffly made himself comfortable under the furs. You lifted the furs when ever he couldn't due to his injury. You now were much more grateful for having two arms.

When he had finally gotten comfortable, he sunk down into the pillows and let out sigh.

"Kai?" You broke the little silence the two of you had created. Kai opened one and eye and looked over at you, humming in response. He had his non-injured arm resting over his head and his other laying beside him.

"You seem exhausted? Did you get any sleep last night?" You asked in a concerned tone as you very slowly and carefully moved closer to him. He inhaled and then sighed. He turned his head towards you and replied.

"No, I didn't. I had to make sure you were safe and got some rest"

You had now gotten quite close to Kai. He didn't seem to mind.

"You still need to worry about yourself. Your hurt worse than i am" you said as you placed a hand on his arm. Firmly gripping it in worry.

You noticed that his body, that was tense and stiff, had losened at your touch. You smiled knowing that nothing had changed between you and Kai. Infact, you could agrue that your bond has gotten a little sttonger. 

Kai Looked over at you and, his eyes content and at peace. He smiled and moved his hand up to your face. He gently cupped your s/c cheek in his hand. He caressed your cheek with his thumb, drawing little circles on your face. It sent a comfortable shiver up your spine.

You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes as your head tilted onto his hand. A small smile spread across your lips. You felt so at peace and calm. You were so greatful to have come out of it alive. You and Kai made it.

Your smile soon dropped from your face as you remembered that not everyone had made it out alive. You sighed and let your head fall a little. Kai's brows raised in concern. He hummed in a questioning manner. he then brang his hand to your chin and lifted your head up gently, making you look directly at him.

you e/c orbs met his blue ones. You gave him a sad smile.

"What's concerning you?" He asked you. he leaned in a tad closer to your face, pulling you in closer to him with his hand. His eyes never left your gaze. they were wide and full of worry.

"I just can't help feeling sad... We could have saved him if we were a little faster" You could barely hear your small and fragile voice. You were subconsciously hunching over and making your frame smaller as the sadness settled in the pit of your stomach.

Kai let out a sigh, his eyelids closing over his mesmerising orbs. Once they re-opened, you met his eyes. There was a deep passion burning in his eyes, one which you hadn't see before.

"He didn't die in vein, I can promise you that. I won't let him. His sacrifice was one so brave that I, Kai, have decided to strengthen myself. With this new injury I will need time to adapt. But once I do, I will find those who killed him and seek revenge on not just Ren, but all the Naga's lost to their hands"

You were speechless. Kai had switched. The kind-hearted boy Naga you once met, is now no longer a boy. Rather, a man at heart. He is no longer as kind-hearted as you thought, but rather has a flame of vengeance burning inside of him. He's not evil, no, but he would never willingly kill when you first met. Now... Now he was ready for blood.

To be continued...

Keep an eye out for the next book in the series to come out!

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