xii. Fitz-Roy-Simmons

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✧·゚: *✧·゚:*  seeds  *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: 17th December 2013
location: The Bus, Classified

      ━━If someone asked Agent Clara Roy why she joined S.H.I.E.L.D., she wouldn't be too sure on her answer. There could be multiple different factors. Maybe it was because she was a curious young girl, sixteen and with two PhD's on her back already. Perhaps it was because she had always been ambitious for something more than her own backyard (blame her father for telling her that the sky isn't the limit when there are footsteps on the Moon). Or maybe━just maybe━she felt like she had to prove something. Or to someone. When Roy heard Simmons's origin story, it was sweet and beautiful: a father showing his daughter the stars, and biology and chemistry. For Roy, yes, she had been shown the stars, but she had always wanted something more━searched for something more. That love, that passion, a mother in her life, and a reason why she should be in her life. She thought that by being a famous doctor, or a famous physicist, or neurologist, or chemist, or biologist, or astronaut (she went through a lot of stages) would make her mother finally see she was worth her love━wherever she was. But then, science became something more to Roy. It became her safe place; her heart; her ambition; her dream; her passion; her home. 

     Or perhaps it was the people that she had met through it that made it all the more worthwhile. Fitz-Roy-Simmons; they were a package deal, a family, quite inseparable. If one was without the other, they felt quite empty. It was empty if it was just Fitz-Roy, or Fitz-Simmons, or Roy-Simmons. They needed every piece to their puzzle. Engineering, Medical and Bio-Chem. The youngest in their year (and preferably the smartest, too). However, since being on this team, Roy has realised that there are more people to that puzzle. There was Skye, who had come rather close with the scientists. There was Ward, who could be rather arrogant, was also at the same time, the most modest. There was May, who didn't talk much, but had a motherly sense that not many saw, but when they did, were grateful for it (because if she isn't that, or expressionless, she was kicking their butts). And then there was Coulson. 

     Agent Philip Coulson. 

    Roy remembered the first time she met Coulson. She, Fitz and Simmons had awkwardly walked into his office a the Hub, bright and nervous smiles on their faces in seeing a man pretty much of legend (to those at the Academies━Fury was his S.O!). He had offered them this job after their explosive experiment at Sci-Ops, and given them this chance to see the world despite their mistakes.

     Despite the mistake they had made today. 

     In all truthfulness, it wasn't their fault. They━themselves━hadn't placed the contraption in the pool to make it freeze over and nearly kill a Academy Cadet. But it had been their schematics; their invention. Someone had taken it and used it, and if they had never thought to build it, perhaps this could have never happened. 

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