xxxiv. The Band Is Back Together

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✧·゚: *✧·゚:* the dirty half dozen *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: April 26th, 2015
location: The Playground, Classified

    ━━Clara couldn't keep her eyes off him. Watching him walk the hallways of The Playground casually with Kara at his side and plenty of guards, Roy felt her chest tighten and her knees tremble. She sat at her desk, not at all doing her work, and instead, staying frozen like ice hoping that he wouldn't see her.

    She was gripping her pen so tight that it broke━and ink exploded over her work. "Bloody hell!" cried Clara, pulling the broken pen away and trying to clean it all up. Her hands were covered, as was her report, and she gritted her teeth. Great, thanks, Ward.

    Clara was glad that Fitz and the others were back. She was glad they were okay, and that Hunter was going to live with his flesh wound. She was happy Coulson wasn't in handcuffs, but she was upset that Ward and Kara weren't. She wanted to scream at Coulson: don't you remember what he did?!

    And when he saw her in the lab, muttering British curse words at her mess of ink, Ward stopped walking. Clara caught the movement out of the side of her gaze, and her heart raced. No, no, no, no, no, don't, don't, don't

    She saw the smile━the sick smile that didn't work on his face ... not after she knew the truth. He looked different than the time she saw him leave The Playground in handcuffs. He cut his hair, trimmed his beard━he looked like how he used to, before he betrayed them, and it was a punch to the gut for Clara.

    One day, you'll understand.

    Clara wanted to run away, but she refused to show it as he turned to Kara, muttering something to her, before leading his set of guards into the lab. Roy saw Kara shoot daggers at her, and wanted to run even more.

    "Look who it is," Ward grinned at her, and Roy took a deep breath, narrowing her gaze into her own glare.

    "Ward," she greeted stiffly.

    Glancing over her shoulder, Ward nodded at her mess, "How'd you manage that?"

    Clara's words were stuck in the back of her throat. She needed something to protect herself━I'm not in the storage pod. I'm not there. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here━ "I━Ink exploded."

    "Well, might want to clean your hands, Clara..." murmured Ward, his dark eyes studying her━she didn't like it. She felt dirty. She felt chills. She wanted to run. He reached into his jacket pocket, and the guards tensed, but he quickly just pulled out an envelope, holding up his hands in surrender. "Calm down, gentlemen. I won't hurt dear Clara, you know that..."

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