xlii. The Past Might Just Repeat Itself

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✧·゚: *✧·゚:* among us hide... *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: December 9th, 2015
location: the Playground, Classified

    ━━Clara can't rid of him. No matter what she does, Grant Ward was always there, in the window, looking at her through the door, haunting her dreams and hovering over her shoulder. Reminding her how she should have never been merciful in the first place. If she had let him die, there, on the Bus that day, none of this would have happened. Roy stabilised Andrew and saved his life, but if she hadn't had made that mistake, she wouldn't have needed to. So much could have been avoided; so much pain and suffering ... and all of it could be lead back to the single decision she made that she still blamed herself for her on her worst days. And she hated it just as much as she hated the bastard she should've killed. 

    The news got around pretty quick over what had happened, and that it was Hunter's fault. That not only had he risked Andrew's life, but he had also missed his only shot in ending Ward once and for all. But it also meant that May was back; she was back, and she was furious, and she was going to finish Hunter's assignment with no remorse.

    Coming out of the surgery successful but quite angry herself, Clara wandered to the commons room and saw Daisy hung over her tablet, still bruised from her meet up with Lash━yeah, the big blue monster. She told her the story: of how she saw him transform from monster to man, which really was something out of a horror movie. 

    Looking up, Daisy tensed, "Is he━?"

   "He'll live," Clara said, and she sighed with relief. She sat down next to her, "What're you doing?"

    Daisy rubbed her eyes tiredly. "I'm trying to find any connection to Lash, who he could be, how he knew where we were..."

    "Found anything yet?"

    "Theories..." she took a deep breath, "What about you? I heard you, Fitz and Simmons are looking back into the Monolith with Leith? Of all people? And Jemma wants to go back ...?"

    Flashes of memory hit Roy of her argument with Leith, and she pursed her lips. "It's all confusing, but there's someone else on there. Someone we need to save. His name's Will. He helped keep Jemma alive. We owe him that. Fitz and I have got simulations running in the lab ... but they're not looking promising."

    "Speaking of you and Fitz ..." Daisy set the tablet down and met her gaze, "... what's going on, between the two of you?"

    Clara's shoulders fell. Why does everyone ask this question? Why is everyone so invested in their complicated friend-love-ship?  "I don't know what's going on, Daisy," she decided to say. "And now that we gotta figure out a way to get back to Maveth, and this whole thing with Lash, and Ward ... it's not the time to worry about it ... or to even think about it ..."

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