Chapter Fifteen ♡

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"Been Happy Isn't Having
Everything In Your life To Be Perfect.
Maybe It's About Stringing Together All The Little Things."


Amelia's POV:

*Alarm rings *
I was never a morning person , everyday I dreaded waking up early but today was different , for once I actually wanted to wake up and it's all thanks to a guy named Kol Jackson. *smiles unknowingly *
So I get up and only decide to get ready at around 6 since his coming at 7 . I don't want to overdress because I don't want to seem too exicted , that ego of his doesn't need anymore growing . Oh I almost forgot to ask him about what to wear since his surprising me, it can be anything so i reach for my phone amd start texting.
LIA:'Hey , just wanted to know what should I wear ?'
It took about five minutes before he texts back.
LIA:'That's not very specific you know!🙄'
KOL♡:'Alright just wear your usual get up , pair of jeans and your infamous hoodie😉'
So he has noticed my choice of dressing *smiles crazily * it's a fangirl moment right here. Now I'm even more curious as to where his taking me.
Alright I'll just make a small effort in wearing my best jeans and my favorite hoodie .

It's now 6pm and I just took a bath and I'm getting dressed. I decide to wear my best pair of blue jeans , my Naruto T-shirt that i just got *happy squeals * and my favorite hoodie which is of course my Batman one. I'm not much of a girly girl so make up is not my forte so I just put on some mascara and a little bit of Lipgloss. Now I just wait for him and because I hate sitting and waiting I decide to have a little snack.

Okay when I said snack I meant many snacks , I ate two packets of Doritos, one packet of gummy bears and a Bar-one chocolate. Well it's a good thing I have a great appetite or I'll be cancelling my date for eating too much . Speaking of date the doorbell rings and before I could get it Lizzie walks by and opens the door with me been right behind. She opens up and there he is looking as great as ever in just a simple pair of jeans and a button up blue shirt which complements his eyes wonderfully , oh god I hope I'm not blusing too hard . Thankfully my aunt grabs his attention by speaking first.
"Hello there young mahn , can I help you?"
Young man? If only she knew how old he really was *giggles*
"Hi Ma'm I'm Kol , I'm here to pick up Amelia for our date."
Well that's one way to say it since I haven't told her yet . Lizzie looks at me all existed then , she's been waiting for this since the first time I told her about kol which was a while back .
"Oh my A date !"
And there it is . She actually started squealing to which I started  laughing almost forgetting Kol was standing right there .
"Alright lizzie we will be going now, I'll see you later"
"No later than 12 alright "
And of we go to our surprise date.

Once we leave the house we jumped in his car which was a beautiful black BMW i8. I literally stopped and stared at the car for a good two minutes .
"You look like you just met your soulmate and you're ready to marry him right here."
Well that certainly stopped my thoughts.
"Sorry about that , It's just you have a really beautiful car ."
He laughs that beautiful laugh and for another two minutes I just look at him , smiling at the fact that I'm going on a date with him. One moment his standing over by his car door the next he walks over to me , I'm not sure what to do so I just stand there looking at him . He stops infront of me then brings his face about an inch infront of mines then ever so slightly he leans forward and whispers in my ear .
"Keep staring at me like that and I'm going to have to brand you as a creep"
He steps away and heads back to his car and opens the passenger door for me . I finally come out of my daze and walk forward and then got into the car . Only when he gets in himself and starts the car do I realise what he said.
"You idiot , I'm not a creep . In fact if anyone is a creep it's you ."
"How am I a creep?"
"With all your brooding and mysterious ways how can you not be creepy"
"Fine. Im creepy but a sexy creep"
I knew that was coming *eyerolls*
"So you going to tell me where we going now "
I then grin as wide as I could and he just laughs.
"Again Amelia it's a surprise so you just going to have to wait"
I roll my eyes and just mumble a little until he puts some music on and we fall into comfortable silence.

About thirty minutes later we arrive at our destination which by the way
Was the actual forest.
"See you are a creep , is this where the beautiful Amelia Anderson finally takes her last breath"
"Oh please killing you in a forest is so tacky , I'll obviously kill you in the basement of my home."
We stare at each other for a second then burst out laughing , we laugh for a good five minutes until we couldn't breathe . He finally catches his breath and says to me...
"Come on it's only a ten minute walk until we get there."
So we walk into this clearing which  has a beautiful pathway . We walk for that ten minutes and when he stops I finally see the place , It's breath taking just absolutely beautiful.
"Honestly I wasn't expecting a waterfall . You really out did yourself"
Yes it was a waterfall near a clear blue lake , it looked like something out of a fairytail . I turned to look at Kol and his already unpacking a basket full of amazing delicacies.
"Mmmm that smells amazing!"
"Don't thank me though , this was all Zach his always been good at this. "

After eating the delicious food stuffs Kol decides to strike up a conversation and one I definetly wasn't prepared for.
"So if you don't mind me asking how did your parents pass on"
I never had the opportunity to talk to someone about this, my mum always gave me my space about dad but I knew she was just giving herself time to grieve.
"I lost my dad to a car accident and my mum to a mugging , the worst part about both their deaths is that I was there with them but here I am alive and well "
It always bothered me that I got to live and they didn't , It's not easy dealing with survivors guilt.
"You think both times it should have been you "
Its like he could read my mind . I nod at his statement and he continues talking...
"Well I think your parents wouldn't have lived with themselves if they had lost you . That's just how parents are , they put the lives of their children before their own"
He was staring at the sky now and I could tell he was saying this from experience.
"What happened to your parents Kol?"
"They died protecting me from a bunch of thieves, usually dad would hold his own against people like them but he had my mum amd I there so he tried to keep them away from us. In the end they turned out to be psychotic . They shot my dad and was about to shoot me but my num got me out before that but she was shot while we ran . After losing them  my uncle took me in , he loved me like his own and made me the man I am today "
All that pain and Ryder just expanded it when he killed Lily and cganged Kol.
"Im really sorry , no one should have went through what you did . Im glad Ryder is suffering for what his done"
Kol doesn't speak for a while and I wondered if opening old wounds was a bad thing but then he looks at me and I see that he too was crying. He leans forward and wipes the tears of my face with his thumbs then he rests his hands on either side of my face ...
"Thank you listening Amelia "
And then he proceeds to peck me on the lips and before we could kiss any further my phone pings with a message . Of course it's Lizzie and just then I see the time is 12:30.
"Oh shit, she's so going to kill me "
"I could just compel her to forget about it you know"
He winks at me and all I could do was laugh. We drive back as quick as Kol could go and when I finally reach home , I exhale in conplete relief. Before I could jump out I turn to kol and kiss him on his cheek.
"I had an amazing time , I'm really looking forward to our next date."
Before he could reply and see my extremely blushing face I run inside my house and close the door quicker than humanly possible and then proceed to smile like an idiot. I hear the car drive away and just when I start to walk up the stairs to my room I hear a familir voice call out.
"Hello there my sweet Amelia"


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