Chapter Five ♡

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Amelia's POV:

Ever felt like you're in this constant loop , like you're living the same day over and over again . Well that's what I feel right now and it's getting quite bothersome, I'm so tired of waking up then going to school just to go home ; sleep and do it all over again with that emptiness inside of me . Nothing in the world feels okay anymore and suddenly giving up really seems like the better option so around 10pm when I know my aunt is asleep enough that she won't wake up I sneak out and take my bike with me (something my Dad left before he died) . I drive out to this old bridge about an hour away from home , it's near a river that's impossible to swim out of no matter how good a swimmer you are. I walk over to the railing and climb over , the night was actually beautiful and the breeze was perfect but I wasn't there to enjoy it in fact I was there to end it all and so I jump . The first thing I feel when hitting the water was that it was freezing cold but soon enough my body is numb and no later my vision is blurry and I finally lose consciousness .


Amelia , Amelia hunny wake up
I know that voice, I miss that voice.
I try to call out but I can't it's like my body is shut down and then it hits me as to where I am and what I've done so I stop trying and just let my body sink and my mind go blank once again.


Kol's POV:

"Ahh come on mate where are you of to ?"
I swear sometimes Jake acts more like my mother than my friend .
"Like I said I'm just going for a walk , I'll be back in a bit "
Zack looks at me then and he knows I'm not just going for a walk. See today is the death anniversary of Lily and every year I go down to the wayside river and drop peonies in (Lilly's favorite). I guess a story is in order as all I've said was that Ryder is the one responsible for her death . Ryder was actually the one who turned me and so I lived with him as a brother for most of my life as a Vampire , he saved my life but after what he did to Lily I swear I'm going to end him . I get near the bridge now but before I see it I hear a splash and know instantly some one jumped in. These Damn humans , probably some drunk teenager. So I jump in to try and save whoever was stupid enough to fall in. I see her then , the girl from earlier Amelia she's already unconscious and sinking to the bottom and the odd thing is she looks peaceful as if she wanted to be here . Without a second thought I swim towards her on rapid speed and get her out before it would be too late . I get her out of the water and notice a huge gash on her head which means she must have hit her head at some point , she's lost to much blood and CPR isn't going to help so I do the only thing I can, I give her my blood . Vampire blood believe in or not can heal a human and has saved many lives before . After her injury is healed I start on the CPR and finally she's conscious and coughing up all that water .
"Amelia hey it's Kol, you're going to be alright just breathe for me Okay"
She looks frantic and then looks at me trying to figure out who I am , When she does recognise me she does the one thing I never expected she slaps me.
"What the Hell I just saved your life a little gratitude please."
"I'm sorry but did i ask to be saved, No right, do you always butt into other people's bussiness"
"Well I just did what any other person would , I saved a drowning girl which comes to the question Why were you in that river "
Oh great now she faints but then again with all her ranting I guess that's a good thing. I'm going to have to take her to my place until she wakes up just so I can compel her , yay for me *eyerolls*


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