Chapter Nine ♡

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Amelia's POV:

I was officially a girl on a mission
First of all I needed to question my aunt about my parents, why I'm a Anderson and not a Mcking anymore ? If my dad was actually apart of the council and what exactly this council is and whose on it.

Before opening the door I take a minute to compose myself , readying myself for whatever answers my aunt's gonna produce .
"Lizzie you here ?"
Obviously I knew she was here but I'm just trying not to sound to anxious about asking her so I keep it casual for now.
"In my studio Sweetie"
Aunt lizzie is only about 7 years older than me but she acts like she's 20 years older and then there's a time when she acts like a child.
"You busy?"
"Nope , did you need something ?"
"Yeah actually . I want to know more about Dad "
At that Liz looked as if she rather be anywhere else. She kept avoiding my eyes and I knew then that she's definetly hiding something from me .
"Okay I'll answer as much as I can "
Now that I know that she knows something I start of with a simple enough question.
"Okay so why did mum change our surnames when Dad died ?"
"Your mum already explained that Amelia "
Only one question and Liz looks extremely uncomfortable which means she doesn't do well under pressure *evil laugh*.
"Aunt Lizzie you and I both know that mum was lying to me . I'm old enough to know these secrets so please tell me."
I used the term 'Aunt' so she knows I'm been serious .
"Alright I'll tell you what I know but first tell me why the sudden interest "
Ahh Damn! Well I can't exactly tell her my newly formed friends ,who happen to be Vampires , got me all suspicious so I just go with the easiest lie.
"I'm just curious about dad's name is all"
She seems to buy it which is a relief *thank the gods*.
"So I'm sure you know about the council our town has right "
I just nod along to that .
" Okay so there's this kinda secret council within the council , This secret council holds the towns secrets?"
"And by town secrets you mean ...."
Of course I knew the town secrets I just wanted to know if lizzie knew them and if she trusted me enough to tell me which I'm hoping she would , she's the only family I got .
"This is precisely why your mum changed your name from Mcking to Anderson , she didn't want you to get involved in all this "
She looked ready to end the conversation right there But I was determined to find out more .
"Come on Lizzie , if my dad was involved then one way or another I will get involved so please I rather hear from you first "
Finally she looked ready to talk.
"Do you remember those stories your mum and dad used to read to you about the monsters that go bump in the Night?"
Of course I remember I used to love those stories, mum and dad was totally amused at how much I enjoyed listening about creatures that pray on innocent animals so they kept telling me those stories. Even after dad died mum kept telling them until I could read about them on my own.
"Yeah I remember , are you telling me those stories are real "
I had to pretend to be shocked so she doesn't become suspicious.
"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying.  You look pretty calm about it don't you "
Damn it I thought I was convincing enough .
"Well growing up listening to those stories I always wondered if they could be true because that would be pretty cool."
"Well don't get too excited unlike those stories , these monsters kill and even eat actually human beings"
Thankfully I've just met vampires who seem less dangerous then those stories I mean they drink from bloodbags but I can never be too sure  .
"Okay what was Dad's role in this?"
"Well The Mcking's always had a seat in the council and your dad ,been the sheriff, was in charge of making sure that the locals never found out about the supernatural world . He sort of covered up most of the deaths in this town so the locals don't get a hint at what hunts us in the Night."
Well that makes sense but if this was the fate of the Mcking's then..
"So mum changed my name so I don't have to be part of this . She just wanted me to be safe ."
"Yes . In fact your dad had decided on the day that you were born that you must not carry this legacy . Those stories he told you was to prepare you in case something went wrong but he always hoped you would never learn of it. So promise me Amelia you won't go looking for answers now that you know the truth about this town "
Even though I had no intention of leaving this alone I promised anyway. This isn't something I can just forget and how is it any more dangerous than a car accident or mugging gone wrong . I was in as much danger as everyone else , whether I get involved or not .


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