Chapter Fourteen ♡

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Kol's POV:

I was enjoying the silence of my room when Jake and Zach barge in and dumped themselves on my bed and then the annoyance named 'Jake grey'(yes his surname is grey ) opened his big mouth.
"So you asked her out yet ?"
"Oh don't play dumb you know exactly whom I'm talking about"
Of course I know who his talking about , his been mentioning Amelia since yesterday *groans*. My mind was already replaying moments of her and now this idiot has to bring her up.
"Listen guys I know you want me to move on and whatever but you know I can't be with anyone not after losing lily"
Saying that was kinda useless since these guys know me better than anyone but I'm hoping they just drop it but unfortunately I'm not as lucky as most people.
"Come on Kol , don't give me that crap . We both know that's not the reason , Lily may have been your first love but you've moved past that "
His not wrong I guess, Lily will always have a place in my heart . I guess the best part about been a Vampire is the time we have to heal and I have healed . Jake seemed to take a break but Zach took the opportunity to speak now.
"You're scared aren't you ?"
"Scared? Why would I be scared?"
"She's probably a good thing thats happened to you in a long while and you're scared to lose her or possibly drive her away"
Well shit ! Of course I was ,it's terrifing thinking about losing someone you care about deeply . Deciding not to talk about this anymore I tell them I'm going for a walk .

Surprise surprise , I ended up in the last place I needed to be. Finally deciding to take a risk I walk up to the front door and ring the bell . I wait about ten seconds before I decide it's a bad idea but it's too late because as I turn away the door opens and a familiar sweet voice calls out
"Kol , I wasn't  expecting you so early "
Thats right, I told her I wanted to talk to her and it's only 10am right now . I turn back to look at her and she looks absolutely flustered and then I realise that's she's still in her Pj's , Cute Batman Pj's . I refrain from telling her how adorable  she looks because I know she'll just blush harder and mumble in that cute way of hers so instead I say .
"I can come back if you want."
That's definetly not what I want , I know if I leave now I won't find the guts to come by later and then she will think I'm a jerk. She takes a minute to think before deciding
"No no it's alright , you can come in"
And just like that I release a breathe that I didn't even know I was holding.

Amelia's POV:

Why me ? What are the odds that the guy I like sees me in my PJ's , very high apparently. Wait did I just say like , oh god what is happening to me. I don't get flustered by boys, I usually walk the other way while trying to look cool and believe me I'm far from cool but look at me now inviting the boy I like inside my home while trying not blush so much that I look like a tomato .
"I won't be too long , do you mind waiting a bit?"
Idiot , of course his going to mind I'm planning on showering for an hour and finding the prettiest outfit I can , yeah right I'm not completely changed I'll probably take 15 minutes to bath and I'll pull on a pair jeans my one of my infamous hoodies. A voice breaks me out of thoughts then...
"No not at all , take all the time that you need "
That's odd , his acting nervous why is he acting nervous .
"Are you okay , you seem different "
"Different how?"
"Well you're not your old brooding , mad at the world self"
He holds his hand on his heart and pouts pretending to be hurt , drama king. *eyerolls*
"Im not like that all the time you know "
"Yeah sure and I'm a unicorn"
"Omg you are , that's amazing . Do you poop rainbows?"
He laughs that amazing laugh then and I swoon internally . Not wanting to be caught staring I throw a cushion at him and run to my room.

A half hour later and I still have these annoying nerves , I mean how can one guy make me squim so much . Okay Amelia you can do this just imagine him in a clown costume...

And that was a terrible idea , instead of calming myself and acting normal I burst out laughing as soon as I saw him , it was absolutely mortifying. Kol just sat there with this weird look on his face and asked if I was okay.
"Im so sorry , I just had this weird thought in my head and I couldn't help myself . I must look like an idiot , god dammit Amelia infront of a hot guy"
Oh shit , I was not supposed to say that last part out loud . I take a peak at Kol through my fingers ( I had covered my face after saying what I wasn't supposed to) . He was still looking me weird and then his face changes and he smirks which tells me that he definetly heard me .
"So im hot hey!"
"Noo I didn't hot I said .......pot"
Pot! Why did I say pot , I'm getting lamer by the day. *face palms*. Now I can't even look at him.
"Pot , really "
He does his eyeroll thing and then laughs . Not falling for that melodious sound , I tune it out and just scowl at him and also roll my eyes . Childish but effective
"Shuuuuut upppppp . Can we just get to the reason as to why you're  here"
He stops laughing instantly and that worries me .
"Is this about Ryder , has he done something"
"No. His locked up nice and good you don't have to worry about him"
"Kol , if you don't mind can you tell me why you didn't erm.... kill him"
I looked at him , trying to read his face but there's nothing to see but blankness .
"Death would be a blessing for him , he should suffer for what he did to Lily and for what wanted to do to you"
I didn't think he wanted him to pay for what didn't even happen to me . I smiled despite the situation , he does care and that makes me want to tell him how I feel but of course my nerves get the best of me . Before I start to overthink everything as always Kol speaks again.
"I actually wanted to ask you something "
"Go ahead "
"Will you , well erm would you like to ..."
Is he trying to ask me out , somebody pinch me I feel like I'm dreamimg Kol Jackson is acting nervous to ask me out. I'm beyond shocked at this point.
"Lia , are you listening ?"
"Yes what were you saying I didn't catch a word"
He seemed to have composed himself quickly now and all that remains is a hint of a smile.
"I asked if you wanted to go out  with me tomorrow ?"
Not wasting any time I reply , way to go lia , now you must sound way to esger.
"Sure why not, where are we going"
He seemed relieved now ,should have made him stress a lil more *inside evil laugh *
"That milady is a surprise"
I'm not sure whether I should laugh at his reference to me been a lady or to scoff at our 'date' been a surprise so I just opted to roll my eyes and smile .
"Alright so tomorrow I'll pick you up at 7 "
Before I can ask him what I should wear he quickly escapes through the front door , well I'll just text him later.


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