chapter 22

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I wake up drenched in sweat. My face is wet with tears. I look beside me and see Preston's peaceful sleepy face. I want to smother him. I lay back down and try to breathe. I face away from Preston and start crying. My shoulders shake as I sob into the already wet pillow . Even though Preston killed them before they could rape me , I couldn't stop thinking about it. In my nightmares, Preston doesn't kill them. He let's them do it as I scream , as blood spurts from my mouth. I dream that he shoots me.

He hasn't hurt me after that day. He comes to the room long after I fall asleep. But as soon as the bed dips due to his weight, I wake up. His moods scare me. I don't know what to expect anymore.

I fall asleep and when I wake up there's someone standing beside my bed. I see the glint of the knife in their hand and scream. Preston's side of the bed is empty and I quickly climb out of the bed ready to sprint out of the room. Before I can get to the door , he tackles me and I fall hard on my face. I feel the gush of blood from my nose .

I let out a small whimper as he climbs on top of me . Grabbing my shoulder, he shakes me so hard that my teeth chatter. My head spins as it hits the ground.

When I open my eyes , the first thing I see is Preston's face above me. I start scrambling under him as tears pour out of my eyes.

" Shh" he says and pulls me into his chest.

I freeze as he pulls my body into his , his arms are around me as he rubs my back. My sobs die down in a moment. When the hazy dream has disappeared from my mind , surprise takes over my mind.

Why is he hugging me

My face is pressed to his chest and I squish the urge to look at his face , to see why he is doing this .

" Wh...why?" I mutter into his chest

I don't hear any response for a few seconds. I hear him sigh and he pulls away from me.

" Don't expect this all the time. Take some sleeping tablets if you have nightmares! " He says and leaves the room.

I gape at him as his words sweep in my mind. I feel utterly ridiculous to even think that he might actually care about me. I scoff and remind myself to ask for some sleeping tablets next time.

Don't want to ruin Prince's sleep


Serena comes in my room and tells me that Preston has allowed me to roam near the house. I'm more than happy to hear that. I quickly wear a long dress and saunter with Serena. I listen as she speaks about her children .

She proudly tells me that her son is a doctor in America and her daughter is an Engineer. She talks about her husband . He had passed away a few years back but Serena talks about him as if he is still here with her.

I listen to her funny stories and laugh at the funny places and make sympathetic noises in sad. There's a part of me envying her for her perfect family even though I know that's wrong. I'll never be able to experience those things , I'll never get to have children.

I'll be lying in a fucking gutter somewhere and no one will mourn over me, no one will miss me. The bitter thoughts take over my mind and my mask slips. I silently cry and when Serena looks at me , the smile on her face vanishes as horror replaces it.

" I'm.. I'm sorry ! Did I say something wrong! I didn't mean to upset you " she stammers

" No no , I'm sorry. I just don't get enough sleep now a days and I'm really tired. It's really nothing." I assure her and she nods still looking petrified.

We take a few strolls in the garden and I lie down on my back in the soft grass. It tickles my feet and before I know it , I'm fast asleep.

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