30: Bear cubs

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Mead should apparently be consumed moderately. That was the conclusion Devan drew as he walked out of his tent with a pounding headache.

He found Jon sitting by the fire again. But he wasn't staring moodily into it this time. He was chattering away and laughing with the red-headed girl on his side. Her fiery hair glowed warmer than the fire beside them as it cascaded around her head in frizzy braids. Her face was freckled and she had a wide gap between her front teeth. She was tall, much taller than Jon. Although that wasn't a great feat. The girl wasn't a stunning beauty by Westerosi standards but she didn't look like she cared about that at all, and neither did Jon.

As Devan dug into a bowl of porridge, that would hopefully alleviate his headache, Tormund walked up to them as well. He gave a nod to the girl, apparently, they knew each other.

"Lyra," he said. "I see you've met my friend Jon."

"Father," she replied as her freckled face shone up in a cheeky smile. "I've certainly met him..."

Jon looked flabbergasted at Tormund who glared back at him as he sat down on the log opposite of the couple.

"Father?!" Jon spouted after a moment of silent gaping. "You're her father?! I didn't even know you had children!"

Tormund looked confused. "I've told you about the bear I laid with many times," he said.

"Too many times," Jon sighed. "But what does that have to do with you having children?"

"Do you not listen to my stories, Jon?" Tormund replied in a hurt tone. "The bear had cubs. That's my bear cub! You laid with my bear cub!"

He pointed to the girl who sat next to Jon, currently giggling at the scene that took place in front of her. Perhaps having Tormund as a father had made Lyra used to these kinds of situations.

"I asked you if you had children yesterday," Devan exclaimed. "You said your children were here and there."

"And that's true!" Tormund replied. "They're here." He pointed at Lyra again. "And there." He pointed at another, slightly younger girl, who walked up to them. Her hair was tangled and braided in the same way as Lyra's but it wasn't red but brown. Like the fur of a bear.

The girl sat down next to Devan on the log.

"Did you know your sister laid with Jon Snow, Jorelle?" Tormund asked her.

"Lyra has a new man in her bed every night," the girl replied and shrugged. "I can't keep track of their names."

"You have people in your bed every night too," Lyra retorted and stuck out her tongue at her sister.

"But they're not men!" Jorelle replied and leaned behind Devan to pull her sister's hair.

Lyra snatched her sister's arm and pulled Jorelle down on the ground in one swift move. Soon she straddled her chest and had her arms pinned down. "You know I'm stronger than you," she exclaimed. "So don't even try, sister."

Devan felt very awkward being caught in the middle of this family feud. He wondered if they would notice if he simply rolled away. Although then he would have to leave his food behind, and he was very hungry.

When it was clear that her sister couldn't get out of her grip Lyra let Jorelle go and returned to her seat next to Jon.

Jorelle gave out a defeated sigh. "Whatever," she said and brushed herself off.

As she got up from the ground Jorelle's gaze fell on the sword that Jon had leaned beside him. "I remember that sword," she said. "It was my uncle's. He had it when he came to visit us many years ago. I touched it when he wasn't looking."

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera, GOT Fanfic) Part 2: TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now