End notes

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First of all, I want to thank everyone who is still reading this crazy story! I'm so glad you are with me for this ride. Silent readers, commenting readers, all of you!

I can't believe the story actually got to this point! This was a moment I always knew would happen. Gendry would stand there, and he would say those words. But it feels kinda surreal to actually have written every part leading up to it, put it on the page, and published it.

As for the next part... it always had kind of a subtitle in my mind. Part 3 is Gendry's Rebellion. I won't spoil more than that, but there is still a lot of foreshadowing floating out there that yet is to happen (I might make a post about this at some point, compiling the snippets of foreshadowing that are still in play)

I have a placeholder book up for part 3 already that contains a sneak peek of a scene from that story. So you can put that in your library now already if you like (then you will know right away when I actually start posting it). I will put a link in a comment next to this paragraph.

My plan right now though is to finish Lion and Falcon before part 3 begin since the events there will interlace with the events from this story. So if you are already reading that you can look forward to regular updates of that story in the coming weeks, and if you're not reading it this gives you an opportunity to catch up before part 3 begin (you don't have to read it to understand part 3 though, but it will give more background to Robin's and Tyrek's parts in the overall story).

I might also put some time into other writing projects, or just let myself not write for a few days around Christmas...

Therefore my estimation is that Part 3 will start at some point at the beginning of next year. But trust me, it will be written. I started this story, and I will finish it. I hope you will be with me then!

Any comments on this story or thoughts about what you think will happen in the next story are welcome. I love talking about this story!

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera, GOT Fanfic) Part 2: TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now