Not how I expected(Mafia Rm x Oc/ Reader

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"Oo! You look so pretty! Are you excited for your date?"

Hana happily smiles and Yoosung claps

Amber eventually leaves for her date

She walks into the restaurant

"Woah this is fancier than I thought." She mumbles to herself

She looks down at her strawberry dress feeling under dressed

A man in a suit walks up the podium

"Hello, how may i assist you?"

"I'm. Hey, I have. A date here? I think he said table four..."

The server froze.

"U-uh, yes follow me"

Amber followed him

She was less to a table where a lone man was sitting in a extremely fancy suit

He looked like the man from the picture she was sent

"Oh that's him! I can walk here from now, thank you!"

Yet the server didn't budge and walked her all the way to her seat and even pulled it out for her

"Oh thank you! You didn't have too!" She smiled

Her date glared at the butler

"Ah. yes ma'am." He spoke quietly as her dates glare instesifyed

He left as her date smiled

"Amber correct?"

"Yeah!" She shook his hand

"Pleasure to finally meet you! "

They talked as Amber peers into his eyes

They held something dangerous, scary, yet loving and soothing

"Are you listening?"

"Hmm? Sorry I spaced off"

"It's quite alright. I'm gonna pay for us and then we'll head to the next attraction."

"Oh no! Let me pay for my half I feel-"

"No need sweetheart, I've got it" Namjoon put his hand on Ambers making her heart spiral into a feeling of Euphoria

"O-oh." She looked at her lap

They left the restaurant and after the attraction, he finally delivered Amber home

He hugged her and she felt him scratch her back

"You should wear that dress more often, it looks lovely on you"

"Oh! Thank you!" She smiled

Amber went off into her house after waving goodbye

"How was your date Amber?"

Giyuu, her elder brother asked typing on his phone

"It was great! I felt really bad. He payed for everything" Amber tapped her fingers together


"Well, suppose he's being a gentleman"

Time skip, 5 months

Amber and Namjoon started dating

Poor Amber

She was too blinded

Blinded by love

So blinded she couldn't see the signs

"Hey love. Just know I love you no matter what, and I'd do anything for you"

It started with Namjoon inviting Amber over to spend the night

Little did this poor naïve girl know

She was never leaving.


The next morning Amber awoke I her loving boyfriends embrace

She really needed the hug. She had been becoming anxious

She was friends with an American transfer student at her University named Harry

*Harry styles-*

He had blonde hair and blue eyes, both very pretty. They quickly became became best friends

He hadn't been showing up to school, answering any of her calls, messages, not anyone elses

It was worrying her

Namjoon awoke

The two walked downstairs and Namjoon turned on the news as the couple enjoyed breakfast

⚠️trigger warning!⚠️

"A man by the name of Harry Jasper has been found dead in the Seoul river. The autopsy revevealed he had all ten fingers cut off, his eyes gouged out. And the words "You bastard. Stay away from what's mine" cut into his back with a knife. The symbol of the infamous Mafia group Bangtan. Was etched into his back aswell. We hope to find the murdered as soon as possible"

Amber dropped her fork as tears ran down her face

Namjoon hugged her from behind

"Now he can't get in the way of our love~"


Amber stopped breathing

Namjoon kissed her neck

"Now you can NEVER leave me"

In the end Amber and Namjoom got married and had one child. He was right. She was never able to leave

no matter how many times she wanted to end all her suffering she stopped herself, she had a son now. She can't leave him alone with this monster. She can't.


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