Never again (Oc/ Reader x Yandere Todoroki

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Kenma Amber walked into 1-A with her earbuds in and staring at a Nintendo switch

She looked up and found her seat

She was sat inbetween two boys

One with yellow hair and another with red

*No kouda*

She sat in-between them and sent back to playing on her Console

She tapped the buttons as her fingers moved quickly

Her phone buzzed


:Did you take Minecraft?


:Okay, I'll just take Zelda


She put her phone away and went back to Minecraft

During outdoor training it started pouring

Amber has to change and was freezing

She put on a Nekoma hoodie, her brothers to be exact

Despite Amber staying up all night playing video games and watching anime, basically doing nothing, she was a hard opponent and was very flexible

The time she spent watching anime and playing video games she subconsciously memorized her favorite characters attack moves, she copied them making her stronger

She could probably beat Bakugou if she really tried

She walked into class with her Nekoma hoodie getting many weird looks

She walked to her seat playing Minecraft without a care in the world

She felt someone watching her every movement, she just thought she was paranoid

Todo POV

'Is it weird that I just wanna touch her hair? It looks so soft, so smooth. When she walks it bounces'

Over the course of the week Amber had been left chocolates, presents, flowers, letters, ect

They had been placed in some normal spaces and some more weird like her locker desk, bag, pockets, the weirdest she's gotten was her lunch box

She had more food than normal, like someone had purposefully made her food and gave it to her

All from the same secret admirer....

The letters were sweet at first

Detailing how much they loved her and how perfect she looked in their eyes

" Your so pretty, I would love to talk to you but I'm too nervous, ❤️ secret admirer"

But then when she started socializing with the people near her, mostly boys

The notes became shorter and more passive agressive

"Why are you talking to him?"

"Why don't you want to talk with me?"


That last one Shouto almost put in her locker, he had convinced himself to burn it.

He didn't want her to be afraid of him, he couldn't have that, it would go against his plan

His plan was to eventually confess and if she accepted it they would date

One day Amber and Hana were eating when Tenya Appeard

"Hello ladies, as class rep you both may know I aim to help my classmates! One of our classmates have asked me to give this to you Kenma-Chan!" He passed the note to Amber as she nodded and opened it

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