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“Explain yourself, young Allisa.”  Gabrielle's eyes were as dark as coal, and as hard as diamonds. 

Looking around the vampire's office, she gathered her courage.  Gabrielle's text had come just hours after Ashton had waked.  Without a word, Allisa had slipped out, leaving Will cooking, and Jane, who could not get enough of Ashton's uncharacteristic warmth, curled up to him in the bed.

“I knew something was wrong the second I woke.  Ashton and I shared a link.  A small one, but enough to know when he is around or not.  Imagine my consternation when that link is gone.  Now I am no scientist and I am no doctor, but I think I can make an educated guess from what I saw.”

“What you saw?”

“I came over to check on Ashton.  You were all asleep.  I find my youngest immortal is now mortal.  So I say again.  Explain.”

Gabrielle had been in their home, while they slept?  Allisa shivered.  She had planned this speech for weeks, and she haltingly began, “Ashton never wanted to be a va, an immortal--

“Not all of us do, but we adapt.”  Smoothly, coolly, the interruption came.

“He wasn't adapting.  He didn't—”

“It had only just become a year.  Only the few that chose to become immortal embrace it within that short of a time.”

Allisa stared.  Was the elder vampire going to continue these interruptions, turning her speech into a debate?  “Ash would have never adjusted.  He is crazy in love with a mortal.  What happened to him was a mistake, and what happened to him should not make him your property.  He has the right to make his own decisions.  And he decided he wanted the chance to be mortal again.”

“Are you quite done?” 

“I know he is an asset to your group, but that doesn't mean--”

“Young Allisa, you are repeating yourself.  Now if I may?”  Gabrielle leaned forward slightly, and it was still terrifying to be the subject of her full attention.  “I will not argue that Ashton has the right to make his own decisions.  But, you do not have the right to make the decision you made, under my affiliation, and employ, without consulting me.  And that is the end of it.”

“It shouldn't be the end of it.  We should be allowed--”

“I  say what is allowed.  Anything of this magnitude should have come through me.  I know that you know that.  Just as I know that you always knew there would be consequences for your actions.”

Allisa shifted in the chair, although it was cushioned, it suddenly felt uncomfortable, and she wished she had the nerve to just stand up, to move around, anything except sit like a pinned insect.  Ashton's happy gaze, burning into hers earlier, filled her mind, and courageously, she left the chair, but cowardly walked around behind it, as if that would help. 

“If I had told you the plan, you would have had to say no.  Because every decision you make is what is best for your race.” 

When she paused to gather her thoughts, Gabrielle chimed in dryly, “I wouldn't say every decision.  How was it best for me, and mine to let your family leave?  What about the things are given to you?  You are adequately compensated for what you do.  When you could be some prisoner in the lab if I wanted you to be.  You were brought here Allisa, because you have a thirst for knowledge.  You were brought here because of your love to learn, you wouldn't have to be made a prisoner.  Because that is not how we do things here in Paradise.”

“What about Cassie?”

“Do not speak to me of such things!  If I wanted you to know, I would tell you that Cassie was a casualty that I had nothing to do with.”

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