chapter two

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a few months have passed, its been about a year. Ray was still trying to create a new world with Emma along his side but ray still misses his lover man. Ray and Emma were both in a situation where they saw two other humans about to be attacked by demons. Emma being surprised went towards them while ray fought off all the demons. the humans were safe and apparently were working for Mr. Minerva. Emma squealed happily and asked "Well? where is he right now!!" the two other humans replied "we'll lead you to him c'mon" Emma, Ray, and their family ran behind them where they stumbled across the amazing huge hideout. Ray smirked, "this. now, this is amazing." Emma replied "OOH I know right!! they have everything here." the two humans interrupted their conversation "Hey, the boss wants to meet you." Emma saying bunglingly, "Oh uh okay."  "Emma followed them up the ladder where there stands an office, opening the office door a familiar face appears. "NORMAN?"


I could've sworn I just heard Emma say norman. It's probably my imagination but after we figure out a way to the human world, I just can't go without norman. I know Norman is dead but I can't fight the fact that I miss him. I believe he's still out there and I'll do anything to get back to him, I just can't believe that he is dead. One of the humans that Emma and I saved approached me. "Hi, my name's Hayato!!" he was jumping around when he said that, he reminds me of another Emma except it seems like he has a brain of a fish, not like she doesn't have one though.

"The names Ray."  

"oooh rayyy, THE ray?? boss has talked about you lately, everytime i try to ask him who ray is he kinda just shrugs it off."

 "um your boss is Mr minerva right?" 

"YUPPP have you and boss been seeing each other lately hmm?"

who asks a question like that. I've never met Mr minerva regardless I've never talked to him but why is he mentioning my name? has he been watching me this whole entire time, maybe mom talked to him before and mentioned how I knew about the farm ever since I was born. 

 "No, we have never spoken to each other."

 "oh, that's strange maybe he was talking about Emma then." 

"but emma hasn't met him either?" 

"he talks about you two though, maybe you just dont remember him."

 "I doubt it."

 "hm, anywaysss let me introduce you to boss." 

I followed Hayto up the stairs where it leads to an office. looking around, I noticed that Emma nor my family were downstairs. seeing the various amount of shadows behind the door, Im guessing that they're all in there. I opened the doors and in shock I saw the love of my life. The room fell silent when I walked in. Norman looked at me with his blue shining diamond eyes. I walked up slowly to him, he left out a soft gentle smile and said "Ray." I can not believe my eyes, I finally met norman, is norman mr minerva? I dont care whether he tried to pretend to be mr minerva, I'm finally here with him. I ran into his arms, we ended up falling to the ground but I still wouldn't let go and neither did he. I snuggled my face on nomans shoulder, normans scent was so strong but nice. i ended up catching myself letting tears pour down. norman let go of my waist and held my face, we both had eye contact. he wiped the tears off my face and still had his gentle cute smile. he's so cute it hurts.

we'll be together *Norman x Ray*Where stories live. Discover now