chapter seven

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a few months have passed after I got down from norman's office. im still thinking about him everyday and i can't help but tell him how i feel directly. as i think about norman, hayato welcomes me. hayato is so simple-minded and clueless its kinda cute. hayato came from the outside which was freezing since it was the middle of winter.

"hey ray, ooh my hands are freezing. i just dropped gilda and don off to the old hideout so they could grab us more machinery to use."

i looked down at his hands, his hands were shivering. he held his hands together trying to grasp some warmth out of them. i looked back up at him and said "here" the two hands of his being clamped together were being surrounded by my own. we met eye contact; it seems to me that he was getting embarrassed since he looked down to the ground and a flustered blush appeared across his face. "um.. thanks" he said. i just nodded at him and realized how cold his hands actually were, it felt like i just dipped my hand in freezing ice-cold water but they started to get warmer by the minute. i admit... it did feel nice holding his hands but my hands were getting colder so i let go. he quickly said, "thank you so much ray, im so sorry if i made your hands cold!!" i replied, "you're fine." i let out a gentle smile, i turned around and started to head the opposite direction but i was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist. i turned around and it was hayato looking up at me nervously. why did he look so cute, i instantly blushed but using my other arm i covered my face so he couldn't see. "idiot, what do you want?" i said; he seemed notably shy which i bet it was for no good reason. he then questions, "can we maybe go outside and talk for a bit..." i genuinely don't know if i should. i mean i just can't let go of norman but maybe i should give up on him. this could be my only second opportunity towards a chance to encounter love. i wouldn't necessarily mind. "yea, sure." i replied, he let out a smile once he heard my answer "AHH thank you!!" he said. he went towards me and pulled me close to a hug where he wrapped his hands around my neck. he was warm, i felt my heart pound. i returned the hug by encasing my own arms around his waist. we broke the hug and he held my hand directing me outside. we decided to head towards the empty space where the old hideout was located since no demons would actually go there. once we arrived hayato plopped down on the snow, i looked down at him and chuckled. he laughed too and pulled me down with him, i sat beside him with my legs crossed. he grabbed my hand that laid beside my thigh and held it, his hands got warmer which was odd considering it was snowing. he laid down on his back pressing against the soft snow, i replicated the action he did. he looked beside me asking me, "have you ever fallen in love?" 

"yea... a while back at the farm."

"was it with the boss? is that why you two are close to each other?"

"Unfortunately yes, he's dating emma though so it doesn't matter. it kinda sucks since i was willing to take my own life just to meet with him again."

"wow... i wonder why boss doesn't like you back, you'll be an outstanding boyfriend."

i sat up, letting go of his hand. hayato apologized "oh my god I'm so sorry, please don't be mad."

"no, you're fine. just caught me off guard... if I'm gonna be completely honest with you. norman has been there for me since i was little, he would always check up on me. there was a time where i read my book outside in the cold weather under a big tree i always sit under and the whole time norman would walk in and outside the house multiple times fearing I'll get a cold. he even cried about it when i actually did. he was the first person i could ever call a friend. he understood me in a way not many people could. his intelligence level is so high where he could read every action i made and judge me for it." i let out a laugh as i felt my voice begin to crack but it doesn't stop me from talking. "i guess maybe I'm confusing my romantic feelings for him as me liking him as a friend." i rub my neck as i turn to hayato. "but then why is it so hard for me to stop thinking about him, why do i get the sudden urge to kiss him, hold him. why me? I'm selfish, i want him for myself and no one more. i get so jealous seeing him with emma. it's so frustrating because i would do anything to be with him but he never realized that and went with emma." i let out a big sigh and looked up to the snowing sky. snowflakes fell to my face, as every snowflake hit my face the more and more my eyes started to water. i looked back down. "i guess what I'm trying to say is... is that i love norman. even if he doesn't love me back he still deserves everything in the world and if i cant give that to him then I'll trust emma to do that for me. i just hope he's happy now." as i turn to hayato, hayato was in the same position he was in but frozen, his eyes widened and he looked startled. i shook hayato, "are you okay?" he points behind me. as i turn around i noticed an unfamiliar shadow behind me, i jumped when i realized its presence. my eyes were watery so i couldn't see precisely anything but as i wiped the tears off my face there stood... 






my eyes extended, i was stunned. hayato got up and said "I think ill head out, ill see you later ray." hayato left me and norman alone. 

i stuttered, "norman.. i- i um.. how much did you hear?"

norman grabs my wet, cold face and leans towards me.

"norman.. what are you doing?"

"shut up and kiss me"  and our lips bounded. i didn't want this to stop, his lips are so soft but it's selfish to continue. he's dating emma, i can't do this to both of them. i shoved norman, norman stood there with a blank expression. you could see the confused look in his soft blue eyes, the way his snow-white hair swayed from his face. "I'm sorry, did i do something wrong?"

"norman, you're dating emma.... you can't just do this to her."

"emma and i aren't dating anymore... she actually broke it off with me today."

"hmm? for what reason." norman looked uncomfortable after I said something so foolish, as a act of sympathy i brought norman into a hug. he hugged back and sank his head against my neck. he then mumbles, "she realized i had feelings for you sooner than i did myself." my face turned red, "imbecile! you don't just say that." i pushed his chest away from me as i covered my flustered face with my hands. 

"but it's true ray... i never considered studying the facts why you were still in my head. why i was so worried about you finding out about me and emma. why i thought about you differently than i did with emma. why were my desires stronger for you than her. I'm crazy about you, i recognized now that the feelings i had for emma were feelings i had for her when we were just 12. yes, i liked emma and i thought i still did but reading that letter, seeing you hang out with hayato made me realize that I'm selfish and only want you to myself, please ray. i want you and only you."

norman... i hate him so much why must he make me feel so "gushy" about him. i jumped on norman causing him to fall back on the soft snow. i was sitting on top of him, i leaned down kissing his perfect soft lips. it wasn't long before norman exchanged the kiss. both of our lips moving at the same pace trying to savor the moment, no longer resisting the grudge i had, i let my tongue slip in his mouth. i felt him jump a little but he soothed down and let it happen. letting my tongue explore his mouth i eventually pressed my lips harder against his and felt him tremble. finally breaking the kiss, a strand of saliva withdrew. teasing him i whispered in his ear "you're just gonna have to wait" as i nibbled on his ear but i eventually sat back up. norman sat up and frowned. i laughed at how cute and stubborn he is. "i hate you" he said and kissed me one last time. we both got up from the ground, norman bows down to me "i love you so much ray, please go out with me." ooh norman, you're so silly. I patted normans head and kissed his forehead. "of course I will." Norman gets up with a cheerful smile splattered on his face. Norman directs towards me and picks me up causing my legs to cross his waist, the same position norman and emma did when they first started dating but instead of us playing with our noses, he kissed me until we both ran out of oxygen.

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