Sans the Skeleton

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Undertale fanfic because I'm bored. XD will have smut/lemon/rape non-con

3rd person POV


Sans was an unusual skeleton. Not it the way you think. Humans and monsters lived together for on the surface for a long time now. Papyrus, the ever go getter, got a job with the local police along with Undyne. Alphys was a CSI there, only because she got to work with Undyne. Sans on the other hand got a job as a researcher and scientist at the local university. Papyrus began to flourish on the surface, Sans on the other hand only became more and more withdrawn. Being nervous about a reset and being forced back underground yet another time, Sans buried himself in work and dissociated from most people. Papyrus on the other hand, made many friends and even started to date. He and Mettaton got along great. 

Due to his job, and Mettaton's influence, Papyrus became more hard and cold towards Sans and his laziness. Sans was becoming more depressed by the day. He just wanted his brother back. Not this hardened police officer, who criticized his every move. Sans decided to at least try to be better, to impress Papyrus of course. He even cleaned up his room, socks and clothes as well as tried to look more presentable for work. Well as presentable as one could be wearing slacks, a button down shirt and a coffee stained lab coat. 

Still, in Papyrus' mind whatever Sans did wasn't enough. Sans sank further down into his downward spiral. His friends could tell something was wrong, but when prompted to talk about it, that fake smile would just cover up his feelings and Sans would make a pun to cover up his pain. His puns becoming less and less existent and his cheerful smile even drooped. Still, he visited Grillby's bar/cafe every Friday like clock work though. He still did side gigs for his comedy and was loved by all humans and monsters alike. 

Grillby and Muffet teamed up and basically Grillby's was open from 3:00pm on and Muffet's was open from 5:00 am to 3:00 pm. Sans always got a spider cider coffee style and a bagel with cream cheese every morning before work and then on Fridays and Saturdays would go to Grillby's, give a performance and then eat a delicious, hot, greasy burger. Papyrus, being home, less and less no longer cooked for Sans and spent more and more time at Mettaton's huge mansion. Sans was always home alone. Even the kid had abandoned him, due to their ambassador duties, and the fact that they grew up. They would shoot him a quick text here and there, but nothing more. Finally it was the last straw for Sans.

Recently Sans had been more and more intrigued by the idea of Lamias. Snake humanoid creatures rumored to have been created by the barrier's destruction. Sans' research pocket at the university was tasked with trying to see if they really existed or not. It actually enthused Sans. His mood brightened and he began to act like his old self again. He still was clean and exercised a bit more. He paid off his entire tab at Grillby's and had several extra gold in the tab now. He even trained a bit and gained some HP and DEF and ATK. He now had 50 Hp instead of a measly 1 HP, 40 DEF, and 1-25 ATK plus his other abilities. After weeks of hiding that from his brother, he was pleased to see his progress was so high! He wanted to tell him right away. 

Sans eagerly waited for Papyrus to come home from work to tell him the good news but when Papyrus walked through the door with a weird expression on his face, Sans started to get nervous. Sans sighs and says as cheerfully as he possibly could, "heya bro! got some exciting news to tell ya! guess what?" Papyrus turns to face the wall hanging up his police officer hat and jacket and says curtly, "SANS THIS BETTER NOT BE A PUN. I AM NOT IN THE MOOD." 

Sans, not wanting to upset Papyrus and quickly waves his hands and shakes his head rapidly as he says, "No, no, no pun! I swear. I just wanted to say, well..." Papyrus turns to face his brother, just now noticing after weeks that Sans is a bit slimmer and looks well, more alive and healthy. Papyrus just shrugs and turns back to facing the wall again as he takes off his shoes and he says impatiently, "WELL? SPIT IT OUT. I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY AS WELL." Sans nervously gulps and then shows his stats to his brother proudly and says shyly, "well, bro, i took your advice. i trained and increased my stamina, HP, ATK, and DEF! oh, also i have great news about my work! our research team finally got more funding and-" 

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