The Last Straw

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Sans' POV


I whimper as Nightmare shuts the door behind him and gently lays me down onto the bed. He is holding my leash now and I whine as he curls around me. He gently rubs my stomach and pets my head gently. I sniffle and he gently wipes my tears off of my face. He coos, "Aw my little mate! Now then, you were pretty good today. I want you to come with me. We need to visit Sci and then I have another surprise for you!"

I am confused. Nightmare gently picks me up and we slither out of his room once again. This time we go down. we descend further and further until we hit the bottom. It is covered with shallow moss and flowers. I can see another room where Horror and another lamia with a farmers hat on are flirting. A third lamia with a bright pink tail and heart shaped eyes is also there. Nightmare notices me staring and says, "Ah, that is Lust, Farmer and Horror. They are all mates. They take care of our crops and entertainment." There are four rooms down here in total. Two have sun streaming through them and are huge and have vast long fields of crops. One is closed behind a door which says medical ward on it. The other is covered by a vine curtain, but has a faded sign next to it that I can just barely make out. It says, "Library and Planetarium"

We head towards the medical room and I squirm. I don't like doctors. Also it'll be cold in there. Nightmare just tightens his grip on my and opens the door. Yup, I was right. It is freezing in here! Sci jumps as we walk in and starts to gather materials for whatever he is gonna do to me. I can see an examination table and many machines surrounding it. Further back seems to be a full blown Grey's Anatomy like, operating room. How did they get so much technology? Where did they get this stuff? And how did not a single soul see them drag these large machines down here? Left alone to my musings, I don't realize Nightmare has put me down onto the examination table until I feel the crinkling paper move underneath my bones. I freeze as Nightmare gently ties my ankles and leash to the table. I thrash and try to move but in the end my hands are tied down as well. Nightmare gently pets my head as I sob silently and quiver in fear. 

Sci says, "Are you ready M'lord?" and Nightmare says quietly back, "Yes, you may begin the procedure." I twitch and try to escape but to no avail. I can't move. Sci gently uses his green colored magic and summons my soul. I begin to freak out and struggle even harder against the bonds and Nightmare ends up binding my chest down to the table. Only when I am in heat are my breasts summoned, so all I have summoned is my ecto-stomach right now. Nightmare forces my body to still as I tremble in fear. 

Tears stream down my face as Sci grabs a needle from the table next to me. It is filled with the blue liquid. The very same liquid as from the vial Nightmare forced me to swallow on my first day here, which was a few days ago. I thrash and squirm and Sci, as gently as he possibly can, inject my soul. I scream and my back arches as the liquid goes in. Everything goes fuzzy and I slump down onto the table. I pant and gasp and everything goes black.


Nightmare's POV


I watched as my little mate was given the final dose of obedience potion. This means he might still struggle or beg or cry when we mate or have fun, but he can never try to escape. He passes out due to the pain and I gently untie his limbs from the examination table and hold him close to my body. I nod to Sci and say, "Thank you." and he nods back and says, "Any time M'lord." I slither out of the room and make my way to the library. I enter and I am met with Chronicle. He is the head librarian here and knows where every single book is. I say, "Hello Chronicle. I am just looking for a quiet place for my mate to wake up in. We will be reading later. You may go back to your duties, I will summon you if you are needed." He nods and slithers away going back to whatever he was doing before I arrived.

I slither further into the massive room, filled to the brim with thousands upon thousands of books from anywhere and everywhere around the globe. I honestly don't know where some of these even came from, but Chronicle just gets them from a source he doesn't want to say, and as long as the source is clean and we are still safe and hidden, I am fine with it. I grab a few books I think my mate will enjoy and a few I want to read as well. My tentacles grab five books or so and we make our way to a back secluded corner of the library with a few nests to read in. I come around the bend and run into Gaster, who is carrying a large stack of books. He jolts backwards and the books topple over and fall all over the floor.

He goes to yell at me but when he sees it is me his eyes widen and he says apologetically, "Oh! M'lord, I am so sorry I didn't see you there. Let me clean this up. Are you hurt? Is your mate alright?" I wave my free hand and using my magic help him pick up the books so he can take them back to Chronicle. I say, "It is fine Gaster. We are alright. Are you done with the corner?" He nods and says, "Yes, I am done. Have a nice day M'lord." I nod and say, "Same to you Gaster." and he slithers away.

I make my way to the corner which has a large nest filled with soft hay, pine needles. It has several blankets and pillows to relax on as well. There is a set of reading crystals and heating coals to change the brightness around you and the temperature as well. I increase the temperature and set down the stack of books I had chosen. My mate should be waking up soon. I curl around him and gently settle down. I swaddle him into several blankets and place his head upon a pillow. 

He looks so cute. I sigh as he shifts and mumbles and I wait for him to wake up. I gently allow him to curl up into my tail and he shifts again. I rub his stomach and lovingly look at the eggs. Eight beautiful kits will be all mine. I should think of names soon. But, sadly Sci can not tell if they are male or female yet so we will have to wait and see what genders they all are. 

I pick up a book on astronomy and begin to read. After an hour or so my mate begins to stir. He sleepily wakes up and instantly know what I have done to him. He knows he will never escape again. 

His eyes fill with tears and he begins to sob soundlessly as I have the collar's restraints up once again, preventing him from making any sounds. His shoulders shake with the soundless tears. I put down the book and gently hold him tighter, as I gently caress his head, waiting for him to calm down. After a while he slowly stops hiccuping as he the tears stop falling. I gently pat his head and he sniffles.

I smile down at him as he takes a good look around in awe. He looks shocked at how many books are in one place. I say softly, "Hello little one. Do you want to read something? I have some books here for you." He eagerly nods and I chuckle at his expression of longing. I grab the fantasy book and hand it to him. It is about a group of adventurers searching for treasure, a very stereotypical plot line if you ask me, but when I saw it I thought he might like it, so I took if off the shelf anyways.

Once he sees the book, I know that I am correct in assuming he will like it. His eyes light up and he almost smiles at the book like it is an old friend from a long time ago he hasn't seen in years. He eagerly takes the book and I gently pat his skull as he hungrily opens the book and begins to read. I pick up my book again and begin to read. After hours of reading Sans finished his book. He puts it down and rubs his eyes as he sighs with satisfaction. I suddenly then hear his stomach growl. I look up as he whimpers and points to his stomach and mouth, trying to signal that he was hungry. I nod and put the books down. 

I scoop him up and we make our way back to the front of the library to get some food for my perfect little mate.


That's all for now

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