Where am I?

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So Sans Sans Sans XD


Classic's POV


I watched as the other lamias knocked out Grillby and dragged him away. I was still held down by two other lamias. They all had skeletal tops and different vibrant tail colors. The pair that was holding me down by my arms were big. One had a honey colored tail and looked pretty lazy. The other one had a ruby red colored tail and a scar across one of his eyes. The one who knocked out Grillby was smaller but had a glowing purple eye. He had an ash-blue colored tail. The two who dragged Grillby away; one had a purple-black colored tail and a scar on their eye and the other had an orange yellow colored tail with one large golden tooth. 

There was one more lamia that I just noticed and he had a ruby red tail with one small golden fang. They seemed to be keeping guard. Finally the other two came back and hissed. Then they introduced themselves!? Why would they do that? Why would I care?!

The ruby red tailed pair went first. The bigger one was Edge, while the smaller one was Red. The pair who dragged Grillby away, the bigger one was Slim and the smaller one was Blackberry. The other one holding me down was Dust and his counterpart the smallest was Horror who was hidden in the shadows and he had a huge gaping hole in his skull. The orange tailed one who was also holding me down was Stretch. Then Edge suddenly hissed out, "Take off the jacket." I protested and whimpered and he just snarled. I still refused. I begged, "Please, let me keep it! Please!" Edge just yanked it off as I struggled and thrashed. In the end, he gestured to Dust to inject me with his venom and I struggled even more. It was useless. Dust gently pierced my neck and I gasped out as I lost all feeling in my body. I couldn't move. Edge took off my jacket and I began to black out. Edge picked me up in his strong arms and the last thing I saw was the setting sun.


A day later

Still same POV


I groggily woke up with a splitting headache. I groaned and tried to sit up but I couldn't move?! I was tied down? I opened my eyes further and saw I was in a different cave. It seemed to be an alcove to a bigger room. The entrance was covered in a vine curtain. I could see I was on a grass, hay, moss bed. I can see that the ropes which are attached to my arms and legs are attached to rocks that imitate bars. There seems to be another bed further into the room and some shelves with trinkets on them. I can't really see anything else, or outside of the room for the matter. I try to squirm and move but the ropes are too tight. I pant and try to use my magic, but before I can even summon anything, Edge and Dust come rushing in. Edge narrows his eyes at me and hisses out, "Sci, get in here. Hurry up before he uses any more magic!" A smaller lamia with a bright green tail and a pair of glasses taped to his face hurries in. How many of them are there?! He slithers over to me and I struggle to get away. He then holds up a collar of some sorts. He secures the collar around my neck and I can feel my magic draining away. I only would have enough magic to literally have sex and survive. What the actual hell?! How do they have technology? 

Edge smirks at my horrified expression and says, "Oh, you're a pretty little thing alright. The boss is gonna love you." I look at him, hatred in my eyes and try to speak, but I can't! My voice is magic, fuck! I begin to feel tears well up in my eyes and Edge slithers closer. He says, "You're not for us. The boss wanted you ever since he saw you that first day in the forest. This is his room. You'll meet him soon enough." Edge grins and the three slither out leaving me alone to my thoughts. I have no magic, no way out, I can't even use my phone which, surprisingly, they haven't taken or found yet. It is in my inner shorts pockets, well hidden.

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