Total Control

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This will have 10 chapters total. That is the den but imagine the bed more like a nest XD

Bad ending guys? Kinda, maybe, change my mind in the comments XD

Sans' POV


I don't know how much time has past as I wake up to no one surrounding me and covered in a warm blanket. My stomach feels so heavy as I sit up and groan. I glare at the glowing eggs and mutter or try to before I forget I can't even talk. I look around for my pants and struggle to get up. I wince in pain as my joints pop and crack. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders like a cape and shiver. Where is Nightmare? I want him to come back- wait what the fuck am I thinking? God he must be doing something to me. I shuffle forward and find my white t-shirt shredded and my pants right underneath them in the corner next to the table. I fish through the pockets and grasp my phone! I choke back a sob of relief and see if it has any juice. The screen lights up and I do a silent happy dance! Thank god I replaced the battery; it is at 50%. 

With shaking hands I quickly unlock the phone and send Grillby a hastily written text. It says, "hey I'm alive, can't talk they took away my magic with some tech. track the phone asap before it dies. don't send a response, i don't want them finding the phone." I turn the phone on silent and do not disturb and turn the brightness all the way down. I turn off all the notifications as well. I look for somewhere to hide it, and find a loose stone in the all. I wiggle it out and hide the phone there. I put the stone back into place and huff with exhaustion. I am starving. I look around the room for any food and find none. I grumble and realize I have muzzle back on again and try to take it off to no avail.

I go to the door and try to open it but it is locked. I pound on the door and try to catch anyone's attention. After a few minutes of relentless pounding and no response, I sigh and choke back tears. I shuffle over to the bed and sit down. My whole body aches. I take a look at the eggs again and feel a bit protective of them. Snake eggs or not, they are still my children. I don't even know what I would do If I escaped with them still in me. I muse over escape possibilities and jolt up when I hear the door open. I turn to see Nightmare and another lamia with a green tail. Sci wasn't it? I tremble as the door shuts behind them and Sci places his medical bag down next to the bed. 

Nightmare slithers around me and holds me gently. He goes to take the blanket off and I hang onto it. I try to say something and Nightmare waves his hand and I can speak. I mumble, "Cold. Please? Can I keep it on?" Nightmare looks worried and then waves his hands at the glowing stones in the room which function as a heater. It gets warmer and he gently asks, "Better?" I nod and he tugs the blanket off and I gasp in shock. Nightmare hums in response and rubs my ever growing stomach. I flinch at his touch and he soothingly reaches out and pets my skull with his tentacles. Sci says, "My lord, would you like me to start the examination now?" Nightmare hisses, "Yes, be gentle." Sci nods and says, "Of course." Sci pulls on a pair of rubber gloves with a snap and I flinch at the sudden sound. He grabs a tool from his bag, a stethoscope I think, and moves toward me. 

I whimper and try to squirm away from his gloves hands but Nightmare tightens his grip and winds his tail around my legs. I can't move! Sci gently lowers the stethoscope onto my stomach and I tense at the harsh coldness on the warm ecto-flesh. He listens for a few minutes and nods. He then take my blood pressure, temperature and several saliva and bone samples. He then says, "My lord, I need to check his soul and will need some soul juice as well as vaginal juice for the tests you want to run. I shall step out and leave you with these two vials. One is marked Soul and the other is marked vaginal. Take all the time you need and send it over to me when you are done." Nightmare says, "Thank you Sci, that will be all." Sci nods and packs up his equipment and leaves. 

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