present time

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seulgi wakes up to the sight of a dimly lit flat.

she blinks once, twice, fighting the urge to sleep again.

her eyes roam around the room, noticing how rumpled the bedsheets are and how articles of clothing are carelessly scattered on the floor.

their clothes.

they must have been wild again last night, huh?

she smiles as the fragments of memory from last night comes to her mind. she then shifts her attention to the woman nuzzling on her neck, sleeping soundly with steady breaths.

she takes her time to run her eyes around her partner's nakedness, appreciating the flawless skin as she runs a finger up and down the other's arm.

she observes the slight rise and fall of her partner's shoulder, and how the light snores escape her beautiful lips.

how did seulgi get so lucky to wake up today next to this perfection?

she takes the woman's hand in hers, gently pressing the bones of her partner's fingers one by one.

red thread of fate, huh? she thinks as she presses the other woman's ring finger.

she intertwines their fingers, thinking what could she have done in her past life for the spirits to tie her to this person in this lifetime?

is this how everyone feels when they find their soulmate; pure bliss, comfort, and contentment?

to seulgi, it's simply paradise.

how can she be so lucky to be paired with a goddess?

she must visit temples more often now to thank the spirits for their kindness--maybe offer a solemn prayer in return.

her thoughts drifts to her partner when the woman shifts and groans.

"mmm. that tickles..." the woman says in a sleepy yet adorable voice, swatting seulgi's hand that's stroking her side.

seulgi smiles, finding herself falling all over again.

she brings her partner's hand to her lips and kisses it gently. "good morning."

there was a hum before the woman moves to nuzzle her face into seulgi's neck further.

"what time is it?" the woman asks. seulgi feels the breath against her skin.

"it's six-thirty," answers seulgi after chancing a glance at the table clock. "let's get up. we still have work."

the woman whines and tightens her hold on seulgi.

seulgi chuckles. "let's stay a bit longer?" she kisses the woman's crown.

the woman nods. but before her body can even go back to relaxing, her alarm goes off.

"ugh." the woman turns to the other side to shut her alarm off. she turns back to seulgi, grumpy. "why are you smiling?"

"you're so cute." seulgi leans forward to kiss the woman.

the sweet good morning kiss gradually escalates into something more passionate. seulgi finds herself getting pushed to lie on her back, the woman straddling her.

"joohyun, i'm going to be late if we do this now," seulgi says.

"oh. are you saying no to me?" joohyun brushes her long dark hair to one side. she leans down and kisses seulgi's abdomen.

"shit..." seulgi shuts her eyes hard, stopping the other woman from moving forward. "j-joohyun... i have an important meeting today. i can't be late."

joohyun stops, raises her head, and pouts.

"oh. don't you use that cute face of yours to win me over." seulgi pushes herself up to close the gap between their bodies. "i'll stay here tonight. i promise."

joohyun lets out a small smile. "want me to cook for you?"

"yeah. sure." seulgi plants soft kisses on the other woman's collar bone. "i look forward to it."

joohyun clutches the back of seulgi's neck and pulls away. "you go take a bath now before i do something to you."

"you're the best." seulgi gives one last peck on the lips before she untangles herself and heads to the bathroom naked.


"seulgi, you forgot your ring."

seulgi turns at the call and sighs. "jeez. thanks for reminding me." she slips the ring on her left ring finger, not missing how joohyun's eyes lingered a little longer on the gold band.

knowing what's playing on the other woman's mind, she reaches out to hug joohyun. "i'll pick you up after your work, okay?" she kisses the woman's forehead.

joohyun nods and smiles. "i'll walk you out."


seulgi's already in the building parking lot when her phone rings.

she sighs when she sees the name "jo eunae" flashing on the screen.

she opens the car door, sits inside, and takes a deep breath before rearranging her face into a smile.

she puts the phone next to her ear and greets the caller.

"good morning, my dearest wife. have you landed?"

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