rain and chocotea

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it was raining hard when they stepped out of the mall.

seulgi looks up at the night sky, seeing the rain reflecting from the lamp post.

it's beautiful, she thinks. she finds it surprising she's not in a bad mood even if she doesn't have an umbrella with her, and her car is parked in the open parking space, a few feet away from where she's standing.

if she had been with eunae tonight, she's sure she'll get scolded for not parking in the basement.

'it's always safe to park in the basement, boo,' she hears her wife's voice in her ears.

she smiles at the thought but forgets it the moment she feels the presence next to her.

"do you have an umbrella with you?" joohyun asks, rubbing her hands along her arms to create warmth.

"i don't."

it's weird; seulgi feels calm even with the bad weather. she's trying her best to fight the urge of wrapping her arms around joohyun.

no. it's not proper. she's already done a bold move in the cinema earlier. holding her soulmate like that isn't something she should be comfortable doing.

"i'm sorry. i should have parked at the basement," she says instead.

"hey. don't be. it's not your fault. rains are simply unpredictable at times." joohyun raises her hand and opens her palm, catching raindrops. "but they are pretty."

unpredictable and pretty. seulgi looks away and smiles, smelling the scent of the rain in the air. she sees some people walking along the parking space.

the wind blows hard, causing some umbrellas to turn. joohyun instinctively hides behind her.

"you okay there?" seulgi looks over her shoulders.

"yeah... just... just a little cold..." joohyun clutches her coat tighter.

seulgi looks ahead, eyes zoning on her car. she pulls her coat over her head.

"wait here." she readies the car key in her hand.

"where are you going?"

seulgi nods her head towards her car's direction. "i'll make a run for it."

and before joohyun can even protest, seulgi's already dashing through the rain.


"tsk. you're soaked, seulgi."

"i'm not," seulgi says, wiping her face and hair with a small towel.

"but your clothes are wet. tsk." joohyun leans over her seat to grab the towel from seulgi's hand and wipe her back with it.

"hey. it's okay. i'll take a shower once i'm home."

"then you can drop me off in the nearest station so you can drive straight home."

"no. i'll drive you home, okay?"

"but seulgi--"

"end of discussion, missy." seulgi pats joohyun's head.

"if you really want to drive me home, then you will take a shower at my place so i can dry your clothes before you go home."

seulgi blinks at joohyun. "y-your place?"

"yes. i have a huge dryer there. i won't let you go home like that. you might catch a cold."

"but it'll take--"

"end of discussion, missy." joohyun playfully throws the towel on seulgi's face. "either you drop me off to the nearest station or dry your clothes at my place."

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