closing doors: one

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there was a buzz on her door.

joohyun doesn't recall ordering for anything or having someone coming over. she plans to ignore it, but the buzzer is persistent.

irritated, joohyun slightly opens her door to peek at the mystery buzzer. a paperbag was raised to her face, blocking her view.

"tteokbokki delivery!" the familiar voice says.

joohyun need not to check further to know who the person is. "seulgi? what are you doing here?"

seulgi's head pops on the side, a cheeky smile on her face. "visiting my girlfriend."

that doesn't explain seulgi's presence at her doorstep today. but of course, it's enough to make joohyun smile. she closes the door to unlock all the locks and reopens it.

"i thought it's eunae's off until tomorrow?" she pulls seulgi inside.

"something came up at work. they called her in to cover for a colleague," seulgi says as they saunter over to the kitchen to put the food down.

"does that mean you'll stay here for the night?"

with a hand on her nape, seulgi looks at joohyun apologetically. "umm. well. eunae will come back home this evening."

"oh." joohyun pouts.

"but we do have the whole day to spend together." seulgi pinches joohyun's chin. "i'll do whatever you want. we'll watch whatever movie you like."

that somehow managed to bring back the smile on joohyun's face.

yeah. it's better than not seeing seulgi at all.

"let's just be close like this the whole day then." she hugs seulgi's arm to her chest.

seulgi looks at her intently, like she's the most beautiful thing in the world. but joohyun also knows that look means a lot of stuff is running over her soulmate's mind.

whatever it is, seulgi shrugs it off with a smile. "whatever my hyunnie wishes then."

joohyun leans her head against seulgi's arm as the latter leads her to the couch.

she wishes this day won't end.


they spent the entire day cozied up on the couch, watching movies and eating tteokbokki.

like before, joohyun's a happy baby again. seulgi's usual random kisses here and there, and the whispers of love in joohyun's ear sends her heart fluttering and keeps weakening her knees.

joohyun loves it because affections like that assure her that no matter what happens, it's going to be her and seulgi in the end.


it was around dusk when things started to heat up between them.

joohyun isn't sure if it's because of the hot bed scene from the movie they just watched, or if it's because she knows seulgi would be leaving sooner or later, but she finds herself eager to make love--to make sure she feels seulgi before she leaves.

her last talk with eunae left an irksome impression on her--haunting her to this day. thinking about seulgi getting intimate with her wife can immediately set joohyun on fire.

she knows there's no point telling seulgi about it. she can't stop seulgi from doing it with eunae, especially now that they don't want to raise suspicions.

but still, hearing the confirmation from eunae makes joohyun's blood boil.

thinking about the possibility that something like that might happen to seulgi and eunae tonight is too much for joohyun to take.

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