Chapter 1: Emotional Tears, Followed by Lifelessness

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The moon was bright in Alola's night sky, but the hearts of two were not. Ash and Professor Kukui had just opened their eyes from what seemed like a nightmare... but sadly, they both knew that was too good to be true.

Kukui looked at his phone, the date was the same one Ash first slept in his house. We've gone that far back... The Professor thought to himself.

Ash sat up, Pikachu on his lap. Tears shot down his eyes, knowing he's failed not only Goh, but his little Alolan brother.

"Pika..." The electric mouse hugged Ash. It was all he could do at the moment, as Pikachu knew this was very similar to the feelings his trainer had when he couldn't save Arron's Lucario: unchangeable defeat. Ash could save the day, but would Goh come back...?

Just then, the two heard... barking? Sounded like a Rockruff, if Ash's memory served correctly. On his old loft, he looked down to see his Lycanroc... unevolved. It was, for sure, a Rockruff again. It was, for sure, his.

It barked in confusion, not sure what was going on. That's when Professor Kukui came up the stairs with soggy eyes. "Calm down, boy. I'll try and explain in a little bit."

Ash slowly turned his head to his Alolan Dad, his own eyes seeming almost lifeless. "So... you remember..." Ash asked (well, more like stated, since even the teacher was clenching his fists.)

Kukui's heart dropped, the boy sounded so lifeless... so defeated. It wasn't just his eyes. The man just nods, before grabbing his phone. "I'm just going to inform Samson Oak that we'll be out for a couple days."

Just looking at the raven haired boy, you could tell he needed some time to cope with everything. Heck, the teacher wasn't even sure if it was just the two and their Pokemon who remembered, or if people like Lillie, Gladion and even his... wife? There were too many unsure factors for Kukui, and with Ash like this, he wasn't going to get a full understanding anytime soon.

After a few seconds, Ash nods. Then he looks away, pulling the blankets over his head. He wants some sleep. He hopes for this to be one extremely long nightmare, although his broken soul tells him other wise.

Rockruff, who was extremely confused by what was going on (since he was not part of the plan,) was trying to get answers from either of the two men in the house. Pikachu ended up taking the role, as despite being as hurt as everyone else, he knew his trainer was hit the hardest.

At some point, Ash's tears dried up. Everything about the young boy that made him shine... seemed to be non-existent. He fell asleep under the quiet Alolan night and thanks to Pikachu's kindness, Rockruff learned the full extent of what happened.


Professor Kukui decides while he's still awake, to try and confirm his suspicions about Goh. One way to do that was look up 'Gogo Systems' - a little business Goh's parents ran.

His eyes widened with disbelief: Ikou and Kurune were multi-millionaires, with 'Gogo Systems' being well known worldwide.


~Notes for English Dub Watchers~

I don't know their English names for Goh's parents. Despite this, I want to use their Japanese names. The meaning to their names are actually perfect the way they are (Information form Bulbagarden, but I personally knew the Father's name. I'm more or less surprised about the other two!):

Kurune (mother) - her name stems from 'Kuru', which means 'to come'

Ikou (father) - his name stems from 'Iku', which means 'to go'

Tome (the grandma's name) which stems from 'Tomeru', which means 'to stop'

Learn something new everyday, right?


Anyway, I don't plan to use the Japanese names of things often, but I will end up throwing a couple within as jokes. (You'll see in later chapters.)

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