Chapter 3.1: The Truth of the Universe

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NOTE: I have become aware some time after writing this that Wattpad has an App. This chapter is unreadable though that method, because this chapter is structured like a graph. It's readable on the website from a computer. I'll fix this sometime in the future, but it's not a priority of mine...


What is 'The Universe' and how does it work? That is a question many people of earth have asked themselves, but never find the answer. The thing is, it's not that we can't find the answer. Our world was created in a way where it is IMPOSSIBLE to obtain that answer.

The Universe is more complex then anyone could imagine. At the same time, it's a simple concept.

The Universe is constructed in layers:



The Ones Who Monitors the Universes

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Different types of universes

(We'll focus on the 'Creation' type)

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The many different types of 'Creation'

(Which includes world that solely focus on reproduction/creating products/and even creating worlds. We'll focus on the 'Creation of Worlds')

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Universes that are aware of what they are doing  | Universes that don't know of their power and/or do not know of the existence of any higher beings

(Earth, the planet of the ones reading this: YES, I MEAN YOU: THE ONE READING THIS FANFIC - our world is considered one that does not know of the higher beings and has no idea of the insane power we posses.)

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All the Books/Anime/Manga/Thoughts we create become their own universes that shouldn't be able to interact with each other.

(Let's focus on the Pokemon Universe, the Anime to be exact.)

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The Cannon Timeline (No fanfics can mess around with this) / Fanfics


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Although we are unaware, the world of Pokemon DOES EXIST. We cannot interact with it and they cannot interact with us. Neither know of the others existence.

Alongside this logic, Game Freak's official Anime (or the Canon Timeline) and fanfics cannot intertwine. Even if they did, in the end: the fanfic portion would be removed.

Out of all the timelines, the Canon Timeline holds the most power. It was the very first, after all. Fanfics are created from already existing plots.

Now, with that bit out of the way... how does this knowledge tie into this story?

Professor Ceries isn't a bad person, but within some abandoned fanfic timeline, he was the bad guy. His goal was to create a world of his liking, which he found out Eternatus can accomplish.

Sadly, because this story was abandoned at a VERY CRUSIAL MOMENT, Professor Ceries gained the freedom to think for himself. He no longer had a writer thinking for him.

He was able to learn about an important fact for ANY FANFIC TIMELINE: It doesn't matter if you accomplish your goal or not. In the end, it will be wiped out. Stop existing.

The only timeline that has the power to change this fact is the Canon Timeline. Although alongside this information, the fact still remains that any being not meant to appear within the timeline will be pushed out within a certain amount of time.

The only way the evil Prof. Ceries was going to succeed was by duplicating the canon timeline with the little time that universe would let him in. After duplicating the universe, he could truly change the world to his liking with Eternatus.

Although he ended up creating a copy of the cannon universe, because the Aura Shield machine broke, his mind was still pushed out.

Until the moment he put his own memories into the normal Prof. Ceries, he will not be able to re-enter his copied universe....

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