Chapter 3: The Truth of Ash

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"You're lying." Ash bluntly said. "Everyone knows Arceus created our world, or at least knows the theory."

"I'm not lying." Kirsten said back, knowing she would have to convince this... slightly stubborn 10-year-old who was actually older then her.

"If you're not lying, then where's your proof." Ash crossed his arms.

"Up until right before the moment your phone announced that the World Coronation Series would be put on hold, your entire life was planned out for you." The girl responded. "I know that isn't going to convince you, but I know what will."

Ash, who still didn't believe a word this girl said, just listened.

"Since you now have the freedom to think for yourself, looking back during your journey, have you ever... felt as if something was off?"

"Nothing was wrong with my journey. Ever. Let's say you actually DO know who I am and you DID come from a world that CREATED this one, how about you name-"

"Unova." Kirsten cut Ash off. "Pikachu losing to a Snivy, despite not having the ability to use electric attacks. Quick Attacks would of been more then enough."

"That was because Z-"

"You only brought a single Pokemon to a gym battle."

Ash was about to open his mouth, but was cut off again.

"Unova was the only league you BACKTRACKED IN PROGRESS."

Ash had no come back for everything the girl just said. Thinking about it now, things did seem very off in Unova. Why had he just only realized now?

"If you are still not convinced, do you remember how you obtained all 30 of your Taorus?"

Thinking for a moment, Ash shock his head. Why can't he remember that?

"How about when you started your journey. Was Arceus a known Pokemon? Did anyone know what a Ho-oh was?"

Ash felt extremely lost. He never thought about any of this before.

"How about saying how a year has passed multiple times, yet your still 10 years old?"

'I think Ash gets it.' Greninja said, pointing to a very confused Ash. 'I can tell he's thinking about everything you just said... and how he's not able to piece it together.'

"So..." Ash's face now seemed almost as if he was panicking. "You're basically telling me that my entire life... my existence... is a lie?" Tears began falling from his face.

"No, I'm not saying that!" The girl responded quickly. "Your life isn't a lie, but it was planned by... what you might consider 'higher beings.'"

"It means the same thing, doesn't it?"

The girl took a deep breath. She turned her head to the left again, closed her eyes, and looked back at Ash. "Look, what I'm about to explain may be confusing, but I'll do my best to word it so you can understand. Even I don't fully get the truth."

Ash, somehow still upset but calm, was fully focused.

"Do you remember what Dia explained to you when you went to that alternate Alolan reality?"

Ash took a minute to think. "Something about his world could of been ours if we took some other action...?"

"Close enough." Kirsten took another deep breath. She began to draw in the sand. Creating many lines an circles. Not all connected to each other. Some had arrows, others did not. At the very top, there was a giant circle that said 'TRUE GODS.'

She looked back up at Ash, who was the most lost he has been yet.

"Maybe I should take my time explaining this..."


~Note from the Author~

I don't have any HATE for Unova or any of the anime. Unova is just the easiest place to point out noticeable mistakes for our hero. c;

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