Chapter 10

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"He's back." She said laughing and walking through the portal. Alec whispered a thank you before she left. He turns back to Magnus smiling. "Hey there sleepy. Do you know how long you've been out?" Magnus looked at him with a corny smile. "I'm guessing a bit." Magnus sits up, but immediately groans.

Alec tensed up as he gently pushed Magnus back in bed. "Take it easy. You just got filleted." Magnus laughed softly. Alec holds Magnus's arm and absentmindedly played with a ring. "Can I ask what happened?" Alec asked quietly. Magnus began to nod. "The truth Mags." Alec warned. Jace and Clary walked in frantically.

"Oh thank God, Magnus." Clary breathed as she sat right beside him. Magnus smiled weakly. "Hey, biscuit." Jace stood nervously, distancing himself from Alec. Alec's gaze narrowed on to Jace. "You need to tell me what happened Jace. Now." Alec glared at his parabatai. Jace looked at Magnus helplessly.

Magnus spoke up. "It's a simple mistake, Alec. Don't be angry at them." Alec now turned his gaze to Magnus. "Seriously? Not you too Magnus. I thought you'd be smarter than this. Do you not understand how dangerous that was?" Alec seethed.

"You had no plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn. Wait. Why did you even go with them in the first place? You should have known better." Magnus looked stunned. Sure, Alec and him had fought before, but the blame was usually on both their sides. But for this, Magnus wasn't so sure he could say the same.

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