Chapter one (Jealous type)

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It's a chilly summer afternoon... You ask your best friend since the first grade to hangout(Albert) he says, "Sure, could Kirsten come?" You're not to close to Kirsten, actually you guys dislike each other.
You don't want to be mean or seem petty so you say, "Sure thing." You guys meet up at Mc Donald's to get some food and go skateboarding.
You and Albert order a happy meal while Kirsten orders a milkshake. She says, "Albert, how about we share this milkshake." with a wink. You roll your eyes and give Albert the shoulder. He says, "Kirsten y/n is here, we don't want her to be a third wheel." She groans, "But baby.." "Not now hun."
A few minutes pass by and your orders have arrived, you hop on your skateboards and skate back to your house. You guys hangout there for a bit. Kirsten gets tired and asks if they can go home, but they didn't bring a car, so Albert asks you if they can spend the night. You say, "Sure there is an extra room down the hall, go right ahead." Kirsten goes to bed but you and Albert aren't tired.
You guys just talk about life and start to play video games. Two hours have passed, you and Albert start to get tired.
He goes to the room where Kirsten is sleeping in but it's locked, so Albert has to sleep with you... when you guys were younger you had sleepovers and slept in the same bed, but since you guys hit puberty you haven't slept together. Albert wasn't bothered but you were, because you liked him.
You climbed into bed, Albert was already there. You guys cuddled (you guys are really close)
The next morning you are woken up my Kirsten yelling. Albert was already out of bed freaking out, Kirsten was jealous. She was yelling at you while you smirked, after a few minutes of yelling you hug and say goodbye to Albert and did a petty wave to Kirsten. You offered to drive them home but Kirsten already called an Uber. So they left. You go to your room to go back to sleep, but Albert have left his watch. You blush so hard, you put it on your wrist. But now you're not tired anymore so you get ready for the day.
Shower, get in a dress and sit on the sofa watch tv and read naughty😉 fantasy stories about your crush. You guys have flirted before and kissed when you were little but that was 8 years ago.
The day has passed by quickly and you message Albert then go to bed.....

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