"I love you.",Taylor said. My eyes were watery, I didn't know what to say. "Nevermind",Taylor said sadly, before he walked out I grabbed his arm and pulled him closed to me. I pecked a kiss on his cheek and said "I love you too." My feelings for Taylor grew stronger. He held my hands and went out into the hallways. Girls gave glares at me, but they Taylor pulled me closer. I felt like all I needed was Taylor. All of a sudden we came up to the magcon boys, I forgot that Taylor was friends with them. Nash and shawn glared at me, so then I slipped away and ran off. Nash and Shawn said they need to go, but what they really meant was "I'm going to beat up Carol."
They found me close to the back doors and they cornered me, Nash pushed me to the ground and Shawn kicked my leg, throat and stomach. Tears dropped to the ground and thankfully Taylor came, and they ran away. He picked me up in bridal style and kissed my forehead. The smell of his shirt made me happy. "Carol, are you okay? Who did this?", Taylor asked. I knew if I told him, they would beat Taylor and I up till we were dead. I could never tell him, I wish I could, but then he'll be gone.
He brang me to the nurses office and sat there looking down at the ground. I couldn't move at all, I tried to talk but I couldn't. Soon Carter came in and looked at me with tears in his eyes. I cried. What have I done? I put everyone in pain. Taylor ran out and didn't come back in till 30 minutes.
Fiksi PenggemarCarol is bullied by 2 boys in magcon, shawn and Nash! Carol has a crush on one of the magcon boys, Carter Reynolds and Taylor Caniff! But she gets into a car crash, and loses some of her memories.