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Asami's P.O.V
I yawn trying not to fall asleep in this cell. I'm waiting for Korra. I hear the sounds of the guard's footsteps; outside my cell. I can hear other prisoners' groans in the background.

All of a sudden I hear the door open. I look up, seeing Chief Bei Fong. "You're a free kid." She says, I walk out and they give me my stuff back; at the desk. I can't wait to get back and see Korra!

Korra's P.O.V
I pull up to Town Hall. I walk into the doors and run right up into; Mayor Tarrlok's office. I kick the doors open. "Let Asami out!" I shout at him and his assistant.

He simply stares at me. "Is anyone still here?" He asks his assistant, "N-No sir, everyone's gone home for the night." Tarrlok's assistant says, "Then I suggest you do the same." Tarrlok says in a calm, but menacing way. His assistant looks around for a moment, but then bows and leaves.

"Let Asami go!" I shout again, he chuckles. Then all of a sudden he pulls out a gun. "How about you come with me?" He said, then I feel a sharp pain in my head. And everything goes black.

I feel myself being dragged across the floor and thrown into a trunk. I scream, "You won't get away with this!" I shout as he shuts the trunk.

I noticed another person with him. An Equalist, probably the one who hit me over the head. Then it all goes black again.

I wake up in a metal box. I scream, "LET ME OUT!" I hear shuffling from the other side of the metal door. "Why would I do that?" I hear Tarrlok say from outside. "Because you'll never get away with this," I yell, I hear him chuckle. Then I can hear him walking up some steps.

"You can't leave me to here!" I yell, "Yes, yes I can." He says, then I hear a door slam. I sit on the ground and wait. Not sure what else I can do.

Asami's P.O.V
"What are you saying Chief?" I ask, she pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. The Chief stands up and says, "Korra's been kidnapped by the Equalists!" She says, my heart clenches. "No! No, she couldn't have." I say almost in tears, she shakes her head. "She was, Mayor Tarrlok gave us the whole story." She said then she walks up to me and pats my back.

"We have to get her back!" I say through my sobs, "We already are!" She says, "Senator Tenzin has assembled a task force and I and my officers are doing everything we can!" She says, "Tenzin knows Korra very well, he won't give up until he gets her back." She says, I nod. "I-I believe.. you." I stutter out, through my sobs.

Tenzin's P.O.V
As we sneak into the underground prison we see some guards. Mako (Mako is one of the members of the task force) grabs the guard. He slams him against the wall! "Where is she?" He shouts! I am surprised, I knew his brother Bolin was friends with Korra. And he works at the same station.. but he seems oddly aggressive about this whole thing.

"We don't have her!" The guard cried out, "Mayor Tarrlok made the whole thing up!" He said, "But why would he do that?" Chief Beifong said confused. My eyes widen in shock! "Because Tarrlok has her!" He said and we all ran out as fast as we could!

Korra's P.O.V
After hours of waiting, I hear someone coming down the steps. "How are you doing Korra." I hear Tarrlok ask. "Not very well!" I shout, "Because someone locked me in a cage!" I add, and I hear him chuckle from the other side of the door.

"I have a story for you." He said, "And seeing as you have nowhere to go. You might as well listen!" He said, "It all began a long time ago." He started and I prepare myself for a long story.

"I was born in the Northern Water Tribe to the former crime boss, Yakone, and was the second and youngest son in my family." Tarrlok started, and my eyes widened, at the mention of Yakone "Me and my older brother, Noatak, formed a strong brotherly bond between each other, unaware of our father's real nature." He continued, "Until one day we both discovered some strange things in our father's study. We weren't allowed to be in there, so we didn't say anything. Until one day he began to teach us 'self-defense' or that's what he told our mother anyway. Our training brought out a different side to my father. Soon after, our father revealed his past life and how he had been arrested by a cop named Aang." Tarrlok said, and his voice became angry. "My father then told us how he was injured by a gunshot when he nearly escaped prison. And he was too weak to go back. He then taught us everything we'd need to know about being criminals!" He said as if I didn't know.

"Whenever he felt like it, our father would take us on 'hunting' trips to keep our secret hidden from our mother, training us in the 'art' of a criminal." His voice started cracking. "I showed restraint, harboring no desire to harm the helpless animals our father had us kill as targets, but my brother seemed to revel in his newfound abilities!" He said anger returning to his voice. But there was sadness too. "My once loving and good-natured brother was now detached and distant." He says, "He was quite talented at everything our father taught him." "I felt that Noatak wanted equal treatment for everyone and our father's treatment towards us affected his views on what "equality" meant." He hit the metal door with anger and I winced as I fall back from the door.

"Our father eventually forced us to practice each other!" He said hitting the door again! "Our father set up a test, in which one of us would poison a drink and leave one unpoisoned. "While Noatak showed no restraint, he later defended me when I hesitated to do the same. After I managed to guess correctly. Noatak declared that our father was weak seeing as how he lost his gang his power, everything.!" He said, "And flung our father into the snow, urging me to join him in his escape." He started to sound less angry and more sad and regretful. "I refused, however, concerned of the effect this would have on our mother, and Noatak who stated I was indeed a weakling escaped without me." He said, "My brother was right, I was weak." He said, and I hear his sob.

"I and my father spent several days searching the tundra, but we eventually concluded that Noatak had perished in the harsh snow and we returned home without him, sending my family into a state of depression. Yakone passed away soon after." He finished he banged the door again.

I laugh, "So what?" I shout, "That doesn't make it ok that you kidnapped me!" I shout, "You're just what your father wanted you to be!" I shout again, "A TOOL FOR VENGEANCE!" I scream! "That's not true!" He shouts, "I-It's not true!" He says again, but this time his voice cracks, "You don't know what you're talking about!" He shouts, I hear him run up the stairs and shut the door. I shout again!

Tarrlok's P.O.V
I walk out after I slam the door! Furious at what she said! I leave the cabin and walk to my car. I drive back to town hall and once I get there I take a minute. I then walk out of my car. I see some police cars outside, but I assume there from yesterday. I walk into the building and see the Chief with a few officers, as well as Senator Tenzin.

"What's all this?" I ask, "Don't play dumb with us, Tarrlok!" Tenzin shouts, "We know you kidnapped Korra!" He shouts, "I don't know what you're talking about." I say, "And even if I did? You have no proof." I say, "It's true!" I hear a familiar voice from the balcony. I, with everyone else, look up towards the voice. I see my assistant, "Mayor Tarrlok kidnapped her!" My assistant says, "You can't believe a word he says!" I shout, "He's a liar!" I say, "Korra came by the office last night! And then the Mayor told me to leave. I saw him put her in his truck, as I was walking to my car." He says, "Why didn't you tell anyone until now?" Tenzin asks, "B-Because Tarrlok is working with Amon!" Everyone gasps, then I pull out my gun.

I point it at everyone, the cops start pulling out theirs, but I stop them. "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" I say, then I quickly throw a small bomb. It explodes and gas goes everywhere! I run out amid all the chaos! And I get to my car. I drive out of town as quickly as possible.

Once I finally get to the cabin I open the doors and run downstairs.

Korra's P.O.V
I hear someone come down the stairs, "Tarrlok?" I call, "I'm found out!" He says, and I smile! "I knew you would be!" I say, "Well don't worry!" He says, "I'll make a new life, with you as my hostage." He says, "You can't take me!" I shout and then I hear a crash from upstairs.

"What was that?" I hear Tarrlok mumble, I hear him walk up the stairs again. "Amon!" I hear him say, "W-What are you doing here?" I hear him ask, "It's time for you to be equalized." I hear Amon say, "W-Wait Br-" Tarrlok gets cut off. "No..wait.. what are you doing!" He shouts, then I hear a thud on the ground. "I'll take care of him." Amon says, "You get the hostage downstairs." He said, then I hear him leave and some people come downstairs. The door unlocks and I see it open.

I quickly punch the man in the face. And run past the rest. I run up the stairs and shoot out of the door. As I do I see the stare of Amon, I freeze for a second. Then start running again, he starts chasing me, but I run into a slope and fall down the snowbank. As I slide down, I slam into a tree. And it all goes black.

Omg! It took so long! Sorry! I have been crazy busy lately. Sorry if this chapter kind of sucks :( I was trying to go fast and get it out for you guys. Nonetheless, I hope you like it:)

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